"He who aspires to be a hero
must drink brandy."—
(Dr. Johnson)
It was in the course of the
loth Century thatthe Arabian
philosopher Abu-Ebn-Sina
added the word "Alcohol"
(A1 Kohl) to the vocabularies
The Chateau de Jarnac in the XVth Century
Europe, and distilled
spirits have been produced ever since. But it was not until the
17th Century that the products of the Province of which
Angouleme is the capital, became renowned for the special
qualities of their eaux-de-vie. The two principal towns in this
Province, Cognac and Jamac, have become the centre for the
production of the spirit now Imown in this country as Brandy.
The historic interest of Jarnac is not inferior to that of Cognac,
and it is notable that the Chateaxj"Coorvcisier stands to-day
on the site of the ChSteau de Jamac of the 15th Century. This
was the property of the Comtes de Jamac, whose successors
were the well-known Rohan family.