To each reader this word will have some immediate
association ...to the tennis player, a fault perhaps;
to the vicar, an unruly choirboy; to the gardener,
a berry-clustered tree.
But to each and every manager of the Victoria Wine
Company it is the very reason of his being. He has
been placed in charge of a Service Branch solely to
ensure that the customers of the company may be
supphed with what they want when they want it. The
buyers have searched the world's markets;the selected
wines have been slowly matured in the Company's
whitewashed vaults; a hundred vehicles in the
famihar blue and yellow have transported them from
the central warehouses to the Service Branches
but to the branch manager this is as nought—it is he
who gives that extra service upon which the Company's
reputation stands. He will advise on brand or vintage
and will undertake to obtain the rarest and most
obscure of wine or hqueur the customer can desire; he
will arrange the supply of white-coated barmen, of
temporary cocktail bars, of glasses or what you wiU;
above all, he wUl ensure that a telephone call brings
you whatever you desire in surprisingly short time.
Test him. ... he will be delighted; you will find his
telephone number amongst the following. London
comes first, in postal districts, followed by the
branches in Outer London and finally, the Country.