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To % lb. black currants allow % lb.

raspberries, % lb. loaf sugar, and 1 qt.

unsweetened gin.

Choose ripe and sound fruit. Strip

the currants free from stalks, and pick

the raspberries carefully. Put the cur

rants into a jar and bruise them down,

add the raspberries and sugar, and a

small piece of cinnamon stick and 1

or 2 cloves if desired. Pour on the'gin,

cover closely, and leave for 6 weeks,

stirring or shaking the mixture occa

sionally. Then strain and bottle.


To 1 pt. French brandy allow % oz.

caraway seeds, 2 oz. fine sugar, and a

little ground ginger.

Mix the ginger and sugar together.

Add them to the brandy along with the

caraway seeds, and leave closely sealed

for 9 or 10 days. Strain or filter, and

then bottle and cork.

This makes a very good stomachic.


To each pound of cherries allow %

lb. pure cane sugar or 3 oz. crushed

sugar candy, and 1 pt. French brandy.

Choose Morella cherries, sound, but

not over-ripe. Wash and dry them and

cut off the stalks, leaving about half

inch. Mix the cherries with the proper

proportion of sugar or sugar candy,

and put them into wide-mouthed bot

tles, filling them half full. Fill up with

brandy and cork securely. Keep for 3

months before using.

Notes.—A small piece of cinnamon

stick and 1 or 2 cloves may be put into

each bottle, or 2 or 3 bitter almonds

blanched and shred.

The brandy can be made more quick

ly If the cherries are previously pricked

with a needle, but it will not bo quite

so fine.


To 1 pt. cranberry juice allow 1 lb.

loaf sugar, the rind of 1 orange, 1 inch

cinnamon stick, 6 cloves, and a quart

of whisky.

Use pure cranberry juice without any

water. Add to it the thinly peeled rind

of 1 orange, the cinnamon bruised, and

the cloves. Pour all into a jar with the

whisky, eover closely, and leave to in

fuse for a month. Then strain off, bot

tle, and cork securely.


The rind of 6 Seville oranges and 1

lemon, 1 teaspoonful coriander seeds,

% oz. stick cinnamon, a little saffron

3 pts. pure spirit or brandy, 2 lbs. loaf

sugar, and 3 pts. water.

Peel the rind off the oranges and

lemon very thinly and put It Into a

large jar. Add the spices and as much

suffaron as will lie on a quarter. Pour

the spirit over these, cover closely, and

keep in a dry warm place for 6 weeks.

At the end of this time filter through

fine flannel or blotting paper. Boil the

sugar and water together, skim and

filter if necessary, and when cold mix

with the filtered spirit. Bottle and cork



Make in the same way as Sloe Gin

Wide-mouthed bottles or screw-ton

jars should be used.


To 1 lb. raspberries allow the rind

of 1 orange and 1 lemon, 1 oz. ground

ginger, 1 qt. whisky, and to each nint

of liquid allow lb. loaf sugar.

Pick the raspberries carefully and

put them into a basin. Peel the rind

off the orange and lemon very thinlv

sprinkle It over them, and add the

ginger. Pour in the whisky, cover

closely, and leave for 24 hours. Then

strain carefully and measure Add

sugar in the above proportion and

leave until dissolved and quite Vioer

Then bottle and keep in a cool place

Note.—White currants are very good

used in place of raspberries.


To % gallon of greengages allow 1%

lbs. cane sugar, 1 qt. French brandv

and a little water.


Use very ripe greengages, and put

them after cleaning into a saucepan

with just enough water to cover them

Cook them slowly until soft, stirring

occasionally. Then add the sugar and

when it is .dissolved and the fruit is

cold add the brandy. Put all into a

jar, cover closely and leave for 2

months, shaking the mixture now and

again. Then filter, bottle and cork


To each pint of French brandy allow

the rinds of 4 fresh lemons.

Wash and dry the lemons, and peel

off the yellow rinds as thinly as pos

sible. Put the rinds into a bottle with

the brandy, cork tightly, and leave for

14 days. Then strain off the brandy,

rebottle, and keep closely corked.

ANOTHER WAY.—To 2% pts. of wa

ter .allow 1 qt. brandy, % dozen lemons,

% lb. sugar, and 3 gills milk.

Peel the rind off the lemons very

thinly and steep it in the brandy for 24


Mix the water, sugar, and

strained lemon juice together and

ntrafn in the brandy. Boil the milk,

and pour in boiling hot beside the oth

er ingredients. Cover and stand again