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y/jthout, Wnapons;.--



Easy To f OF SELF

Apply! # DEFENSE

Gives Nerve Pinches On Which Slight Pressure

Subdues Victim - Used By G-Men

DON'T QE BULLIED. Learn to protect

yourself with nature's weapons by following

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to be the BEST science of self defense ever

invented. Jiu-Jitsu, meaning "muscle-break-

ing;" is the Japanese method of physical

training and has been practised for three

thousand years. It has long been considered

as one of the most wonderful systems, giving

power over an adversary that often counts

for more than strengtlu Used by POLICE

and G-MEN. It is said that anyone well

trained in Jiu-Jitsu can defeat the fistic

, exijert at all points. Learn Jiu-Jitsu in the

privacy of your own home. Contents include:

Wrist Lock; Arm and Collar Hold with Outside Stroke;

Arm Hold, Half-NeLson and Cross Buttock; Arm Hold, Half-

Nolson and Knee Stroke; Arm and Collar Hold and Leg

Stroke; Head Twist, Arm and Collar Hold Across Neck; Head Hold;

Arm and Head Hold; Arm and Collar and Leg Lock; Thumb Twist;

Collar Hold By Which a Man Could Readily Be Strangled; Simple

Arm 'l^vist; List of Nerve Pinches, etc.

Wo. 1266. BOOK ON JIU-JITSU. Price Postpaid

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are given, illustrated wJth specially drawn diagrams

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locks, wrist lock, "shake-hand" trick, body hold under

arms, arm press, defense against revolvers, defense

for strangling, knco and ankle throw, .stralfrht and re-


verso armlockB, "the scissors." the


head lock and kidney

squooso, holding a man down, the

kick at stomach, the body lever, |

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' stick, stick attack, defense against

Lknife, armpit leg lock, one hand'

grip on throat, knee kick and angle

1264. Price Postpaid

Jap Combat Tricks

Used by Police


Defend Yourself!

Every man should bo capable

of defending himself against ruf

fians should the nocosslLv arise.

This book contains over 50 offec-

tJvo tricks of self-defonso and

simple moans of discomfiting on

nssailnnt, either with bare hands

or with implements of wood and

metal. A walking-stick,

or on

.imKr-alln rnt-



slvoly are comparatively unknown.

60 simple tricks, many of which

you probably have never even

heard of. any one of which should

prove extremely effective in phy

sical combat,

oven against a

more powerful or armed assail-

means of protection.

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Deye/pp Your Muscles

Become Alert and Active


Tltls book explains Iho famous

Knockout Blows with a Single

Punch. Explains how to lead,

break ground.



stop, "fake." sparring, deception,

etc 51 clear ilUistratlons with

comploto explanations explaining

tijo punches involved. Sensible

rules to follow for boxing In

the ring.




Double load.



Right and left upper

cut. Kidney punch. Side step.

Haymaker, Guard. Retreat, Feints,





Slugging vs.



Sizing up opponent.

Finding his weak spots, etc., etc.

In most cases, skill counts for

more than size.


N^ 1941. Price Postpaid. .AOC

Tells how to box, how to hit and hit hard, how to

stop quickly and easily, how "to get away," etc., etc.

Explains the knockout points of the body. Diagrams

show lessons from the top and tho exact movemcrKS

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clear, easily understood, pictorial method of presenting

boxing. Written In plain, simple, cvory-day language

with many unusual diagrams. Numerous illustrations

show the various attitudes for blow, feint, stop, dodgo,

"got away," etc. Loam the art of sparring and boxing,

defend yourself, punish your attacker, etc. Also explains

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such as Balnnciog,

Exercises with Furniture, Free Movoment.s.


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ommend this book.


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cify size. Stzes

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Championship Holds

This book Should put you wise to many tricks and wrinkles of attack

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first-class wrestler. With tho kno^vlodgo contained in this book, o skilled

but comparatively weak man can often easily establish superiority over

a stronger but loss scientific opponent. Tho book Is written by an expert

and contains tho full Instructions of a former champion wrestler. It tells

how to trap a man Immediately following your initial hold, explains va

rious Holds,

Throws, Swing-overs, Grip.s. etc.. Including the Half Nel

son, Grape Vino Hold. Head and Crotch Throw, Chancery and Swing Over.

Waist Hold. Ai-m Hold and Back Hool. Crotch Hold, the "Halch" or Head

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Some of these holds have won wroBtllng championships acraln


Learn them this easy, modem way!

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