OMB Meeting Book - January 8, 2015 - page 32

AOAC Statistics Committee Minutes 2014 12 16
Item #
Discussi n / Action Item
The paper is needed for two reasons: 1) to direct AOAC process and
procedures now
2) to provide Eric with a paper to present to CCMAS
Report from BOD by Norma Hill
The BOD is pleased with the amount and quality of work from the statistics
committee. The statistics workshops at the annual meeting are valued and
Eric Koningsis concerned that the statistics approaches be in a format that
can be presented to CCMAS. The BOD would like a monograph with
specific, concrete directions. Also, supported by the statistical language.
Norma mentioned the report on Options for Determining Reproducibility.
These are needed by February 13 so they are ready for the meeting Feb. 23
to 27.
The CCMAS requires that document be distributed before the meeting.
There is an interagency meeting before CCMAS at which Eric may want to
present the paper. If Paul is there, he may have to speak to the paper. Paul
does not know if he will attend the meeting yet.
Norma has written a summary of theOptions for Determining
Reproducibility using Robert’s papers as references. Robert’s paper needs
to be added as an appendix to the summary.
Robert emphasized that the Incremental Collaborative Study is the same as
an interlab study, only better. For example with the incremental study, PT
is a special case, the Incremental study fills the PT requirement. So the
Incremental study should be moved before the PT study in the report.
Jan. 6? there is an OMB call, but the paper does not have to go through the
editing/changes from OMB. It could be presented to them for their
2015 Annual Meeting Statistics Symposium
Action Item: Qian, correct last name of the Eurachem Chairman. Dr.
WolfhardWegscheider (the Chairman of Eurachem)
Details on the symposium are listed in Appendix 1 below.
Volunteers for reviews
The status of the reviews was reviewed. See the table “Current Projects”
Action Item:
Delia brought compliments from AOAC on the statistics committee’s
Close of business
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