Rise Above Your Narrow Confines
By David Beam
Publications Director
V i s i t www. c h i c a goba r. o r g /
probonoweek to see the complete
schedule and sign up for events.
he Chicago Bar Association and
the Chicago Bar Foundation are
co-sponsoring the 11th Annual
Pro Bono Week from October 26-30. Pro
Bono week honors pro bono efforts and
educates the public and the legal com-
munity on how lawyers are improving the
lives of the less fortunate. Olga Pribyl, Vice
President of the Special Education Clinic
and Pro Bono at Equip for Equality, and Z.
Scott, partner at Kaye Scholer LLP, are co-
chairing this year’s Pro Bono week, which
is filled with big events and great CLEs.
Once again, Chicago will be joined by
communities across the country through
the American Bar Association’s 7th Annual
National Pro Bono Celebration.
Complimentary events (law students and
non-members also welcome) include:
TheChangingLandscapeof Transgender Law:
Monday, October 26 • 3:00-5:00 pm
Hear from experts in a variety of areas of
law related to the transgender community,
such as education, employment, and iden-
tity documents. Find out how you can help
as a pro bono attorney on both individual
cases and large scale reform efforts. Two
hours of CLE credit subject to approval.
Game Night at RevolutionBrewing: Tuesday,
October 27• 6:00-8:00 pm
How does your knowledge of the Chicago
legal community and legal-themed pop
culture measure up? Come find out! This
battle of wits will include questions on
access to justice topics such as pro bono
programs and legal aid organizations, as
well as pop culture and current events-
with a legal twist. Register as a team of no
more than six individuals. To register, email
Angela Inzano at
ainzano@chicagobar.orgwith the names of your teammembers and
your team name. Space is limited!
The Americans with Disabilities Act: 25
Years of Life-Changing Impact: Wednesday,
October 28 • 3:00-5:00 pm • CBA HQ
The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
is celebrating 25 years as the law of the
land. This presentation will highlight how
to address some of the practical issues
that arise when representing people with
disabilities. You’ll also hear about three
programs that have achieved real-world
positive outcomes for persons with dis-
abilities and how you can get involved. Two
hours of CLE credit subject to approval.
22nd Annual Pro Bono and Community
Service Fair: Thursday, October 29 • 5:00-7:00
pm • Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom
Presented by the Young Lawyers Section and
co-sponsored by the CBF and Skadden, Arps,
Slate, Meagher & Flom LLP.
Meet with representatives from 50 of
Chicago’s legal aid, pro bono, community
service and mentoring organizations to
find an opportunity that fits your schedule,
interests and goals.