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Figure 1.8:

A selection of gas hydrate forms observed in nature. Unless otherwise noted, gas hydrate is white, and sediment is dark.

Top row:

Pore-filling. Left, Mallik site, Canada (courtesy JOGMEC-NRCan-USGS), and centre, Nankai Trough, offshore Japan (courtesy JOGMEC),

show high saturation in sandy sediments. Right (South China Sea, courtesy GMGS-01 Science Party) shows low to moderate saturation in

fine-grained sediments.

Middle row:

Grain displacing in fine-grained sediments. Left: massive near-horizontal layers from offshore India

(Courtesy NGHP-Expedition-01). Centre: array of thin, near-vertical veins from East Sea (Courtesy UBGH-01). Right: large nodule from

Bay of Bengal (Courtesy NGHP-Expedition-01).

Bottom row:

Gas hydrates exposed at the sea floor. Left: massive sea-floor mound stained

orange with oil in the Gulf of Mexico (Courtesy I. MacDonald). Centre: massive hydrate mass built from methane gas bubbles under a thin

sediment layer at Blake Ridge, offshore USA (Courtesy Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution). Right: massive sea-floor mound offshore

Vancouver Island, Canada (Chapman

et al.


tion to the East Sea of Korea in 2007 found a similar occur-

rence (Park 2008). X-ray scans conducted on cores from both

India and Korea, which were acquired and analyzed at in situ

pressures (see Text Box 1.2), showed gas hydrates existing as

sporadic lenses of solid hydrate within a pervasive network

of thin, nearly vertical fractures (Holland

et al.

2008; Rees



2011) (Fig. 1.8 middle row). Although the mechanisms by

which such accumulations form are not clear, it may be that

comparatively vigorous gas migration within gas “chimneys”

can disrupt the sediment enough to create the local perme-

ability needed for enhanced gas-hydrate formation (Fig. 1.10

class A, B). It is not known how many such occurrences exist,

but they could be quite abundant. In 2005, a well-logging ex-

pedition in the Gulf of Mexico found a roughly 30-metre in-

terval in which gas hydrates were observed to occupy numer-

ous near-vertical fissures within clay-rich sediments (Ruppel

et al.

2008). In 2009, a similar gas-hydrate occurrence, about

150 metres thick and widespread, was logged elsewhere in

the Gulf of Mexico (Boswell

et al.

2012). In both settings, the

fissures occurred within distinct sedimentary layers and ap-

peared to be controlled by subtle changes in sediment prop-

erties. The interpreted gas hydrate saturations were generally

low, ranging from 5 per cent to perhaps 10 per cent of the

pore volume.

The large size and lateral continuity of typical gas hydrate oc-

currences in mud-rich sediments are conducive to the genera-

tion of anomalous and conspicuous features, seen in seismic

data and called bottom-simulating reflectors (BSRs). Initially,

BSRs were used widely to assess the distribution of gas hy-

drates (Shipley

et al.

1979). However, recent drilling results

from Japan (Tsuji

et al.

2009) and the Gulf of Mexico (Shedd



2012) have demonstrated that BSRs can appear in many dif-

ferent forms, and gas hydrates can even occur without a BSR


et al.

1996). As discussed in Volume 2, Chapter 2, BSRs

are therefore not considered reliable indicators of the nature

or concentration of gas hydrates, and more sophisticated geo-

logical and geophysical exploration approaches are now being

used (Tsuji et al 2009; Boswell and Saeki 2010).

As Chapters 2 and 3 in this volume illustrate, the varied geologic

settings in which gas hydrates are found must be considered

when evaluating the role of gas hydrates in natural systems such

as the natural carbon cycle (Chapter 2), the link to chemosyn-

thetic sea-floor communities (Chapter 2), and past and future

climate change (Chapter 3). In Volume 2, the implications of

finding high hydrate saturations in sand layers or as veins in

fine-grained sediment are discussed in terms of the reservoir’s

accessibility and value as a potential energy resource.