27 April 2017
Dear Year 10 Parents/Guardians
Subject Selection for Year 11 in 2018
I am writing to give you important detailed information about subject selection for Year 11 in
2018. Between May and August of this year, Year 10 students will engage in a comprehensive
Career Education and Futures Planning programme.
Part of this programme involves
customising individual
Senior Education and Training Plans
for your child.
The process will be as follows:
27 April:
Letter distributed to Year 10 students and parents on Schoolbox and via
e-mails to individual students and all Year 10 parents.
All Year 10 students go The Great Hall at 12.50pm sharp to meet with
Dr Brohier and Mrs Crowley.
9 May:
Preliminary Course Information Evening in The PA Theatre,
6.00pm – 7.00pm
This initial session will contain useful information about:
the differentiation between subjects, and
the best way to go about selecting subjects
I would strongly encourage all Year 10 students and parents to attend.
meeting will begin at 6.00pm, and will provide information about the OP and the
IB Diploma.
May – June:
Distribution of Year 10 Course Information Booklets to students in school time.
These will also be available on Schoolbox. I will explain the contents of the
booklets then.
Information session on how to fill in on-line subject selection.
Individual counselling with subject teachers, the IB Diploma Coordinator,
Mr Stephen Walther, the Dean of Studies Mrs Karen Crowley, and myself.
12 June:
Year 10 parents/ students IB Information Night in the Senior Learning Centre,
6.00pm – 7.00pm.
I would strongly encourage attendance at this session.