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in the Revenue Statement of Practice

and the Explanatory Note attached

to Statutory Instrument No. 93 of

1992. The Statutory Instrument does

not clearly state the intention as set

out in the Statement of Practice and

the Explanatory Note. The Revenue

Commissioners have confirmed that

a revised Statutory Instrument will

be issued later in the year.

Those who have been on the cash

receipts basis for more than 6 years

and are going to lose it from 1

January, 1993 should ascertain the

level of their debtors at 30 April,

1986; 30 June, 1986; 31 August,

1986; 31 October, 1986; and 31

December, 1986 and compare them

with the projected balances 6 years

on. A study of the comparative

figures will give a basis for deciding

which of the foregoing is the most

appropriate date for ceasing on the

cash basis. The Revenue

Commissioners have confirmed that

the position as outlined in Statement

of Practice VAT/2/92 can be relied

upon until the new S.I. is issued.

Some will have debtor balances

lower than the corresponding 1986

figures because they currently factor

their debts. They should consider

temporarily suspending the factoring

arrangement to allow the debtors

reach the 1986 level.

I have heard it suggested that those

affected should get their debtors as

low as possible at 31 December, 1992

to reduce the debtors adjustment.

Doing so appears to solve the

problem but does not. If the debtors

are reduced by getting the cash in

before 31 December, 1992, VAT

becomes payable on the receipt of

the cash. If debtors are reduced by a

delay in invoicing, VAT on the

invoices becomes due when on the

invoice basis in 1993.

Other Changes

There are three other changes

proposed in Section 177 of the

Finance Act, 1992 as regards the

cash receipts basis.


Prior to the passing of the Act

those on the cash receipts basis

accounted for VAT at the rate

in force at the time of receipt

of the cash. This meant that

. those on a cash receipts basis

gained when rates were reduced

and lost when rates were

increased. Since the passing of

the Act those on the cash

receipts basis account for VAT

at a rate appropriate at the

time of supply.

(ii) Prior to the passing of the Act

if a person changed from the

invoice basis to the cash

receipts basis a double liability

arose on the debts outstanding

on changeover. Firstly, while on

the invoice basis he was

chargeable to VAT when the

invoice was issued and

secondly, after the changeover,

when the cash was received

from the debtor. Since the

passing of the Act this no

longer applies.

(iii) Prior to the passing of the Act

the Revenue interpretation was

that a person who opted for

the cash receipts basis was

liable to VAT on all cash

receipts from supplies, even

supplies made before he was

registered. For example, vets

who opted for the cash receipts

basis on registration on 1

January, 1992 were liable on

receipts for supplies made

before he was registered. (This

interpretation is open to

question in view of the

judgment of the European

Court in the



(Case 111/75)). Since the

passing of the Act this anomaly

no longer exists.

What to do Now

Those on the cash receipts

basis for more than 6 years

should now review their debtors

of 6 years ago to decide on the

best date for changeover to the

invoice basis.

Those who will lose the cash

basis should review their cash

requirements to meet the

debtors adjustment and the

cash flow loss for 1993. It

would be prudent to discuss

this with the bank manager

before it arises.


EC 6th Directive Article 10 - derogation

A Guide to the Sixth VAT Directive

IBFD Publications - page 391

VATA 1972, section 14

S.I. 177 of 1972

VAT Regulations 1979 No. 7

S.I. 298 of 1986

S.i: 93 of 1992

Finance Act 1992 Section 177

Statement of Practice (VAT/2/92)

Value Added Tax - Institute of Thxation -

Chapter 14

Value Added Thx Guide - Chapter 9.

SYS Committee


At the Annual General Meeting of

the Society of Younger Solicitors

(SYS), the following officers were


Chairman: Owen O'Sullivan

Vice Chairman: Paul White

Treasurer: Paul Marren

Secretary: Maureen Walsh

Public Relations Officer: Gavin


The following were elected as

committee members:- James

McCourt, Mary Hayes, Jennifer

Blunden, Walter Beatty, Robert


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