ii
Hot
Scotch.
—
Fancy.
Two
lumps
of
sugar
dissolved
with
hot
water,
one
drink
Scotch
whiskey,
a
little
claret;
mix
well;
squeeze
lemon
peel
on
top;
small
spoon
in
glass.
Haywood's
Delight.
Two
limes
squeezed,
a
lktle
sugar,
a
little
seltzer;
mix
this;
one
pony
benedictine,
one
squirt
Jamica
rum,
one
squirt
cura-
cao,
cracked
ice;
rill
up
with
claret
wine;
shake
a
little;
dress,
orange,
lemon,
banana
slices,
grapes
or
berries
in
season;
spoon,
straws.
Lallah
Coolah.
Make
up
a
nice
appolinaris
lemonade,
float
a
good-sized
drink
of
whiskey
on
top;
dress
with
plenty
of
fruit;
serve
with
straw.
very
cooling
beverage
on
a
hot
day.
Locomotive.
Large
glass.
Yolk
of
one
egg,
one
spoonful
honey,
one
wine
glass
claret,
two
spoonsful
oi
curacao;
mix
well
and
put
in
saucepan
until
it
comes
to
a
boil;
put
in
a
few
cloves,
nut-
meg,
and
serve.
Nerve
Food.
Long
glass.
One
fresh
egg,
a
little
sugar:
mix
this;
one-
third
sherry,
one-third
port,
one-third
brandy;
fill
up
with
cracked
ice;
pour
in
good
milk
to
fill
glass;
shake
well,
strain,
serve:
nutmeg
or
lemon
oil
on
top.
Pousse
Cafe.
Sherry
glass.
One-fifth
raspberry
syrup,
one-fifth
maras-
chino,
one-fifth
curacao
(green),
one-fifth
chartreuse
(yel-
low),
one-fifth
Cognac
brandy:
each
cordial
to
be
dropped
from
end
of
spoon
to
prevent
intermingling;
each
liquer
should
show
separately.
It
requires
a
little
patience
and
skill
to
make
this
drink
effectively.
This
is
a
great
French
drink.
Pousse
Amour.
Sherry
glass.
One-third
maraschino,
yolk
of
one
egg,
one-
third
curacao,
one-third
Cognac
brandy;
keep
each
separate.
President
McKinley.
[For
a
Couple.]
Large
glass.
Two
eggs,
yolks
only,
two
jiggers
Cognac,
two
squirts
vermouth,
two
squirts
maraschino,
two
squirts
benedictine,
two
squirts
curacao,
one
squirt
orange
bitters;