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The Gazette of the Incorporated Law Society of Ireland.


Mr. Davidson was admitted in Easter


1915, under

the provisions of

Section 29 of the Solicitors (Ireland) Act,

1898, and practised in partnership with

Mr. Norris Goddard,

-under the style of

Norris Goddard and Davidson, at 1 Upper

Mount Street, Dublin.

Commissioners to Administer Oaths.

The Lord Chief Justice has appointed the

following to be Commissioners to administer

Oaths :—

Robert W. Sherlock, Solicitor, Bandon.

Thomas P. Grainger, Solicitor, Macroom.

James P. Coghlan, Solicitor's Apprentice,

New Ross.

John Larkin, Auctioneer, Balbriggan.

Francis Poyntz, Solicitor's Managing

Clerk, New Ross.

Louis C. Sweeny, Clerk of Petty Sessions,


John J. O'Sullivan, Clerk of Petty

Sessions, Macroom.

William P. B. Buttimer, Journalist,


William Bannon, Town Clerk, Bal


Hugh Flood, Auctioneer, Ballymahon.

Half-Yearly General Meeting.

The Half-yearly General Meeting of the

Society was held in the Molesworth Hall,

Dublin, on Tuesday, 28th November, Mr.

Patrick J. Brady (President) in the chair.

The following members were also present :

A. D. Orr (Vice-President), J. W. Dyas

(Vice-President), W. G. Bradley, E. H. Burne,

E. N. Edwards, W. H. Fry, C. G. Gamble,

William Henry, J. E. MacDermott, T. F.

Monks, James Moore, Sir John O'Connell,

A. H. S. Orpen, T. G. Quirke, Patrick

Rooney, P. M. Seales, W. T. Sheridan,

A. W. Stirling, Basil Thompson, R. G.

Warren, C. P. Wilson, Sir George Roche,

C. St. G. Orpen, F. C. E. Bland, H. D.

Draper, Edward S. Lowe, D. B. Dunne,

Ernest S. Lowe, E. R. Bate, 0. P. Beater,

R. A. O'Brien, Ivan Howe, H. R. Whelan,

James Brady, Edward Condell, J. J. L.

Murphy, P. J. Sheridan, E. J. French,

R. D. English, Sean OhUadhaigh, J. P.

Collins, E. J. Mallins, J. McDermott, V.

Kennedy, R. D. Orr, W. S. Barrett, Q. W.

Kennedy, B. M. O'Grady, M. J. O'Farrell,

Michael Dawson, J. J. Beatty, W. Beatty,

F. C. Pilkington, G. A. Byrne, P. N. Murphy,

W. H. Geoghegan, H. R. Maunsell, H. J. W.

Downey, S. M. BeU, T. H. R. Craig, F. S. D.

Colquhoun, and L. Webb.

The Secretary read the notice convening

the meeting, also the minutes of the Half-

yearly General Meeting, held on 16th May

last, which

latter were

signed by


President, who



the audited

accounts of the Society for year ending 30th

April, 1922.

The Secretary read the Report of the

Scrutineers of the Ballot for Council for year

ending 26th November, 1923, which stated

that the following had been returned as Pro

vincial Delegates : Thomas M. Greer (Ulster),

James S. Gaffney (Munster), Michael Buggy

(Leinster), and Henry J. Concanon (Con-

naught) ; and the following, having obtained

the number of votes placed after their

names, had been elected as the thirty-one

ordinary members of the Council:—P. J.

Brady, 230; W. S. Hayes, 204; T. G.

Ouirke, 202; J. W. Richards, 194 ;

J. E.

MacDermott, 193;

C. G. Gamble, 190

A. H. S. Orpen, 188; R. G. Warren, 182

W. V. Seddall, 182; E. H. Burne, 180

W. G. Bradley, 177; Basil Thompson, 177

Frank Fottrell, 177 ;

W. T. Sheridan, 175

A. D. Orr, 173 ;

J. H. Walsh, 171 ;



171 ;

Peter Seales, 168; R. B.

White, 163; E. N. Edwards, 161 ;

T. F.

Monks, 158; C. P. Wilson, 156; Sir J. R.

O'Connell, 153; W. H. Fry, 152; J. W.

Dyas, 151 ;

Patrick Rooney, 145 ;


Henry, 144; R. N. Keller, 143; M. L.

Hearn, 140 ;

A. W. Stirling, 134; L. F.

Kenny, 127 ;

and the

following to form

a supplemental list


fill vacancies:—

Thomas Early, 113; James O'Connor, 94;

and R. D. English, 62.


in moving


adoption of the Annual Report, thanked the

members of the Society for expressing their

confidence in the outgoing Council by re-

electing all its members for the coming year.

The President expressed



at the deaths of two members of the Society,

which had occurred since the last half-yearly