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ISA TR84.00.07 Guidance on the Evaluation of Fire and Gas System Effectiveness


‘Desensitisation of Optical Flame Detection in Harsh External Environments’, J

McNay, July 2014, IFE Journal July Edition (Also available on the members area of

the ISA Website -



Offshore Technology Report OTO 93 002 UK HSE April 1993


IChemE paper Trans ICHemE, Part B, Process Safety and Environmental Protection,

83(B3):262-26, 2005. Sensitivity Studies of Offshore Gas Detector Networks Based

on Experimental Simulations of High Pressure Gas Releases


Evaluation of Computational Fluid Dynamics vs Target Gas Cloud for Indoor Gas

Detection Design, J McNay & R. Hilditch, 2016


AJ Benavides-Serrano, MS Mannan & CD Laird. A quantitative assessment on the

placement practices of gas detectors in the process industries. Journal of Loss

Prevention in the Process Industries 35 (2015) 339-351


‘Performance Based Gas Detection: Geographic Vs Scenario Based Approaches using

CFD’, G. Ferrara1, R. Zhvansky1, T. Bengherbia1, S. H. Ledin1, G. Rocha2, I.

Ahmed1, D. M. Johnson3, V. Tam, DNV GL


‘Performance-Based Gas Detection System Design Using Computational Fluid

Dynamics (CFD) Modeling Of Gas Dispersion’, Kevin Mitchell, Kenexis


The Benefits of Using CFD for Designing Gas Detection Systems, Pablo Giacopinelli

& Rohan Samaraweera, Gexcon, UK

10. Gas Build up from High Pressure Natural Gas Releases in Naturally Ventilated

Offshore Modules. Technical report May 2000

11. Kelsey, A., Hemingway, M., Walsh, P., & Connolly, S. (2002). Evaluation of

flammable gas detector networks based on experimental simulations of offshore, high

pressure gas releases. Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 80, 78–86

12. Kelsey, A., Ivings, M., Hemingway, M., Walsh, P., & Connolly, S. (2005). Sensitivity

studies of offshore gas detector networks based on experimental simulations of high

pressure gas releases. Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 83, 262–269


‘A nascent educational framework for fire safety engineering’, Michael Woodrow,

Luke Bisby, Jose L. Torero, Fire Safety Journal 58 (2013) 180-194