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InstMC FS2016 (Rev 3.0)





Nicol Instrument Engineering Limited

In some cases, the definitions still differ from the definitions of the same terms used in IEC 61508-

4:2010 because of the terminology used in the process sector, however there is no difference in the

technical meaning between IEC 61511-1 edition 2.0 definitions and the definitions of the same terms

in IEC 61508-4:2010.

Notable deletions are; Electrical/electronic/programmable electronic system, External risk reduction

facilities, Proven-in-use, and Safe failure fraction.

Notable additions or clarifications is on:

Definition item



New definition of an action or facility that prevent all or parts of the SIS

functionality from being executed

Common cause / mode


Clarification on the definition.

Conservative approach

New definition on cautious way of doing analysis and calculations.

Harmful event,

hazardous event,

hazardous situation

New definition added.


New definitions for repair or restoration.

Mode of operation

Clarified of a low demand mode being where the SIF is only performed

on demand and where the frequency of demands is no greater than

one per year, a high demand mode is where the SIF is only performed

on demand and where the frequency of demands is greater than one

per year, and continuous mode is where the SIF retains the process in

a safe state as part of normal operation.

Operating environment

New definition added on the conditions inherent to the installation of

a device that potentially affects its functionality and safety integrity,

etc. etc.

Process operating mode

New definition added for any planned state of process operation,

including modes such as start-up after emergency shutdown, normal

start-up, operation, and shutdown, temporary operations, and

emergency operation and shutdown.


New definition added for achieving a given action or task measured

against the specification.

Prior use

This definition replaces proven in use, and outlines a documented

assessment for a device is required to show suitable for use in a SIS,

and should be based on previous operating experience in similar

operating environments.

Process safety time

New definition outlining the time period between a failure occurring in

the process or the basic process control system

and the occurrence of the hazardous event if the SIF is not performed.

Protection layer

New definition for an independent mechanism that reduces risk by

control, prevention or mitigation.

Application program


New definition for activities occurring during a period of time that

starts when the application program is conceived and ends when the

application program is permanently disused.

Systematic capability

New definition for measure of the confidence that the systematic

safety integrity of a device meets the requirements of the specified SIL,

in respect of the specified safety function, when the device is applied

in accordance with the instructions specified in the device safety
