EBM level 4
: This article reviews the use of the 1444-nm Nd:YAG interstitial fiber laser in in
precision contouring of the face and neck in both nonsurgical and surgical uses. It
addresses important considerations in maintaining safe clinical thermal parameters during
the procedure.
Richter AL, Barrera J, Markus RF, Brissett A. Laser skin treatment in non-Caucasian patients. Facial Plast Surg Clin North Am . 2014; 22(3):439-446.EBM level 4
: Laser treatments in ethnic skin pose unique challenges regarding technique and
postprocedural care. This article reviews important factors in laser selection and
preprocedural planning in order to avoid laser complications in ethnic skin.
Fillers and Chemodenervation
Trindade de Almeida AR, Secco LC, Carruthers A. Handling botulinum toxins: an updated literature review. Dermatol Surg . 2011; 37(11):1553-1565.EBM level 5
: This article is an extensive review of the current literature on the storage,
reconstitution, and handling of botulinum toxins as it relates to clinical medicine.
Recommendations are made for the use of bacteriostatic saline for reconstitution as it is less
painful, and for the refrigerated storage and use of reconstituted toxin for up to 3 weeks.