Risks to your sperm health
There are many factors in your life than can cause damage to your sperm DNA
Do you smoke?
One of the big problems with smoking is that it produces ‘free radicals’ and these can harm
your body and your sperm. Tobacco contains over 4,000 toxins.
Do you drink too much alcohol?
Drinking more than 1 pint of beer or 1 large glass of wine a day increases your risk of
infertility, as well as cancers, strokes, high blood pressure, heart attacks and liver disease
Do you have a healthy diet?
How many take-away meals do you have a week? How many home meals do you eat? Poor
nutrition weakens sperm.
Are you stressed?
Do you feel depressed? Always tired? Difficulty sleeping? Angry? Stress can trigger a range
of illnesses and may be associated with infertility.
Are you over weight?
Excess weight can lead to poor sperm quality and male infertility.
Do you take dietary supplements?
Unless you have oxidative stress or low levels of antioxidants, supplements can do harm as
well as good. Always test first before you start taking tablets.