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Michaelmas Law Term

Annual Services

All memb e rs of the Legal Profession and friends are invited

to attend the M i c h a e l mas L a w Term An n u al Services, o n

Mo n d a y, 1 October, 1 9 7 9, at:

St. M i c h a n 's Ch u r c h, Halston Street,

Dublin, at 1 0 . 0 0 a.m.

St. M i c h a n 's Ch u r c h, Ch u r ch Street,

Dublin, at 1 0 . 15 a . m.


Solicitors Golfing Society



of President's

Prize at Milltown,

7th June,


President's (Gerald Hickey's) Prize: Winner - D e c l an

Fallon ( 1 4 ), 4 0 pts.; Runner-up - Brian Whitaker (3), 3 7 pts.

R y an Cu p: Winner - D e n is M c D o w e ll (17), 3 6 pts. (on

2nd nine); Runner-up: Philip Sheil ( 1 5 ), 36 pts.

H a n d i c ap 12 and under: Winner - J o hn L y n ch (8), 3 6

pts.; Runner-up - W . R . White (8), 3 4 pts. (on 2nd nine).

Over 3 0 miles: A n t h o ny Ensor (11), 3 4 pts.

1st Nine: William Harnett (5), 2 2 pts.

2nd Nine: Sean K e n n e dy (19), 18 pts.

By Lot: C o l m Price (19), 35 pts.

T H E N E X T O U T I N G for Captain's (Frank Byrne's) Prize

will take place at Mullingar on Friday, 2 1 st September.

and afterwards are invited by kind invitation o f the Benchers of

the H o n. Society in King's Inns to coffee at the Inns at 1 1 . 00


(Please note that n o written individual invitations are being sent

to members).





T h e Labour Court, pursuant to Section 4 3 of the



A c t,

1 9 4 8,


m a de


Emp l o y m e nt Regulation Order dated 9th Au g u s t, 1 9 7 9,

fixing the statutory m i n i mum rates of remuneration and

regulating the conditions of e mp l o ym e nt of workers in

relation to w h o m the C o mm i t t ee operates. T he Order

confirms the statutory m i n i mum rates of remuneration

and conditions of e mp l o ym e nt set out in the N o t i ce of

Proposals published o n 2 2 nd June, 1 9 7 9.



sets out full details of

m i n i mum

remuneration and conditions of e mp l o ym e n t.

A s f r om the date specified in the Order i.e. 13th

Au g u s t, 1 9 7 9, the workers for w h o m the C omm i t t ee

operates are legally entitled to rates of remuneration and

conditions of e mp l o ym e nt which are not less favourable

to them than those set out in the Order.

J am es G . M c C a u l e y,

T he Labour Court,

Davitt H o u s e,

Mespil R o a d,

Dublin 4.

To celebrate our appointment

as sole concessionaires in

Ireland (North and South);

have a special offer for members of the

Incorporated Law Society of Ireland.


Dictating Machine.


We offer you £30 for your old desk lop Dictating/Transcribing

machine regardless of make or condition when you buy any of

our new Stenobelt or Steno mini cassette desk top dictating or

transcribing machines For free demonstration or brochure on

the complete range o' Stenocord dictating machines please


John Brady,

Telephone: 7634671783671

Stenocord Division,

today lor Stenocord Sales

Quills of Leonards Corner Ltd. or Service.

Leonards Corner, Dublin 8.



This offer closes on the 30th Oct. 1979


(Incorporating Detectives (Private) Eire).

International Investigators

S o l i c i t o r s' E n q u i ry A g e n t s — P r o c e ss S e r v e rs — C o m m e r c i al E n q u i r i es

294 Merrion Road, Dublin 4. Tel. (01) 691561. Telex 30493.

16 Wellington Park, Belfast 9. Tel. (0232) 663668. Telex 747958.

also L O N D O N , B R I G H T O N , N E W Y O R K , U . S . A . and G E N E V A .