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Mot he r Hel enHamma ck , R.N. In st ru ct or in Chemist ry , Mathemat ics

Dip loma,St. Ma ry' s Ho sp ita lSchool of Nu rsi ng ,San Fr an ­

cisc o; A.B. SanFr ancis coCo lle gefor Women; Gra du at e work

St an fo rdUn ive rsi ty;M.A. San Fr an ci sco Coll ege for Women .

Mot he r Lucill e Kraemer

In st ru ct or in Mus ic

A.B. San Fr ancis co Co lle ge for Women ; M.A. Stan fo rd

Un ivers ity .

Mot he rMad el ei neLambin

In st ru ct or in Fr en ch

Br evet el em en ta ire , Sacr eCo eu r,Lil le, Fr ance; A.A. Loyola

Un iver sit y, Chic ago, Illi nios.

Mot he rIr en eLa wrenc e

In str uc torin Soci al Scie nces

A.B. San Fr anci sco College for Wom en ; M.A. Stanfor d Un ive r­

sit y; Ph .D .St an fo rdUn ive rsi ty.

Mothe r Lor ra in e Law renc e Assoc iatePro fess or of Physic al Scien ces

A.B. Bar atCo lle ge , Lake For es t, Illi noi s; M.S. Mar quet te Uni­

ve rsi ty, Milw aukee,Wisconsin ;Ph .D .Ca thol icUn ive rsi tyof

Am eri ca.

Mot he rAgnesMur ph y •

Assoc iatePro fes sorof Philoso phy

A.B. Ba ra t Coll ege, Lake Fo rest,Illi noi s;M.A. Loyol aUn ive r­

sit y, Chi ca go ;Ph.D .Cath ol icUn ive rsi tyof America.

Dav idNvva ll, Jr.

Ch or alDire ctor a nd In st ru ct or in Piano

St ud ies atUn ive rsi ty ofWas hing ton,Un ive rsi ty ofMinn esot a;

B.M. Am eri can Co nserva toryof Mu sic , Ch icago , Illi nois;

M.M. Am eri can Con servato ry of Mu sic , Chica go .

Mot he r Cat her in e Park s

Pro fes sor ofEdu ca tio n

A.B. San Fr an ci scoCo llegefor Wom en ;M.A. Loyol a Un ive r­

sit y, Chi ca go ;Ph.D .Un ive rsi tyof Calif orniaat Be rke ley.

Mot he r Mar ga re t Redman

Assoc iatePro fess or ofHi sto ryan d

Po liti calSc ien ce

A.B. San Franc isco Coll ege for Wom en ; M.A. Stan ford Un iver­

sit y; Ph. D . Stan ford Un ive rsi ty.

Mot he r Aimee Rossi

Pro fes sorof E du ca tio n

A.B. Lo yo la Un ive rsi ty,Chica go ,Illinoi s; M.A. Loyol a Un i­

ve rsi ty,Chi cago ;Ph.D . Stan fordUn ive rsi ty.

Mot he r RitaRy an

Assistan tLib rarian

A.B. Bar atCo lle ge ,Lake Fo rest ,Illi noi s;M.A. San Fr an ci sco

Co lle gefor Wom en.

Mot he rAlic ia Sa rr e

Pro fes sorof Roma nceLa ng ua ge s

A.B. Bar at Col leg e, L ak e For es t, Illin ois ; M.A. Marqu ette

Un i­

ve rsi ty ,Milw auke e,Wi sco nsi n;Ph .D .St an fordUn ive rsi ty.

Mot he r Susa nn e Wilson Assista nt Prof essor of Roma nce Lan gu ag es

A.B. San Fr an ci scoCo llegefor Wom en ;M.A. Stan fo rdUn i­

ve rsity; Ph .D . Stan fordUn ive rsi ty.


Mothe rDan z

Senio r Cl ass

Mot he rWilson

Juni orCl ass

Mot he r Campb el l

So phomore Class

Mot he r Fur ay

Fr es hm anCl ass