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Vol 8 August 2007

(103), verbal (105) IQ, and performance (non-verbal) (99)

IQ within the normal range.

There is a clear association between methotrexate and

acute and late neurotoxicity, the severity and nature of

which are dependent on the dose and mode of

administration of the drug, folinic acid rescue, and the

concomitant use of radiotherapy.


Evidence of late CNS

damage by high-dose methotrexate comes from the

presence of leucoencephalopathy. Only two of our long-

term survivors had subtle white-matter changes on MRI.

Similar low incidence rates of this abnormality have been

reported by Kellie and co-workers.


The risk factors for

leucoencephalopathy due to methotrexate include highest

doses (>10000 mg/m²) and frequent administration

(7–10 day intervals).


The methotrexate dose

(8000 mg/m²) and interval (8 weeks) in our study were

less than this. The report describing the use of

intraventricular and intravenous methotrexate in children

younger than 3 years with medulloblastoma is also

reassuring as although leucoencephalopathy was detected,

its presence did not predict for worse neurocognitive

outcomes within the treatment cohort, except when

cranial radiotherapy was also used. The cognitive outcomes

were, however, worse than a normal comparative group.


The risk of neurocognitive late effects from high-dose

methotrexate in children with brain tumours would

therefore seem to be acceptable,


but requires

monitoring prospectively in future studies with

neuropsychological assessment. We conclude that the risk

of neurotoxicity from this protocol is acceptable given the

serious nature of the presenting clinical problem and the

multimodal therapy required for successful outcomes.

The extent of surgical resection is the most consistently

reported prognostic factor affecting both progression-

free and overall survival both in single centre,



multi-centre studies.


A few single-centre retrospective

studies have found no survival advantage to complete



However, the proportion of cases in which

a complete surgical resection is obtained varies from

around 50% in most studies,


to 85%.


We have shown

that the neurosurgical assessment of the extent of surgery

more closely reflected outcome than did radiology review.

Our study showed that whilst there was an indication of a

better event-free survival for children who had a complete

resection compared with those with less complete

resection, this did not translate into an improved overall

survival. The lack of evidence for surgical resection

predicting outcome could be due to the confounding

effect of surgical toxicity compromising delivery of

effective chemotherapy, or effective chemotherapy and

stratified radiotherapy diluting out the effect of enhanced

surgical resection. There is no doubt that optimised

uncomplicated primary resection is an excellent start for

the management of childhood ependymoma.



centralised specialist surgical centres or vigorous training

and multicentre audits can best deliver low surgical

toxicity rates in health systems is yet to be established.

The original aim of avoiding or delaying radiotherapy

in these children without compromising outcome has

been achieved. Our results confirm a role for primary

chemotherapy in young children with intracranial

ependymoma. The results reported here will contribute

further to the impetus for collaborative studies in Europe

and the US in this very young age group. The

establishment of a clinical scientific consensus on risk

stratification factors is the first, and most important, next

step. Despite these advances, the long-term outlook for

children with ependymoma remains unacceptably poor

and further therapeutic advances will only come through

a better understanding of the underlying tumour



RGG, SW, and MWE were responsible for data analysis and data

interpretation. CW and DM undertook the statistical analysis and

interpretation. KR was the trial coordinator, and was responsible for data

management. JI and DWE undertook the central neuropathology review.

TC and WKC did the central radiological review. JP and CM did the

neurosurgical review and assessment. RG, RHAC, DAW, JP, CCB, and

LSL designed the trial. NT did the trial radiotherapy review. RG and LSL

wrote the report. SP, MWE, DAW, and LSL reviewed the report. LSL also

contributed to data assessment.

Participating centres

Coordinating centre

: CCLG Data Centre, University of Leicester, UK.

Clinical centres



: University Hospital, Copenhagen.


: Our Lady’s Hospital for Sick Children, Dublin.


: Addenbrooke’s Hospital, Cambridge; Birmingham Children’s

Hospital; Bristol Children’s Hospital; St James’ University Hospital,

Leeds; Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children, London; The Royal

Manchester Children’s Hospital; Queen’s Medical Centre, Nottingham;

Royal Victoria Infirmary, Newcastle upon Tyne; John Radcliffe Hospital,

Oxford; Sheffield Children’s Hospital; Southampton General Hospital;

Royal Marsden Hospital, Sutton.

Northern Ireland

: The Royal Hospital for Sick Children, Belfast.


: Royal Hospital for Sick Children; Edinburgh.


: Queen Silvia’s Hospital for Children, Gothenburg.

The Netherlands

: Emma Kinderziekenhuis, Amsterdam.


: The Children’s Hospital for Wales, Cardiff.

Conflicts of interest

The authors declared no conflicts of interest.


We thank Tai Bee Choo for help with the competing risks analysis,

Charles Stiller for critical reading of the manuscript and helpful

suggestions, and Diane Gumley for data on neurocognitive outcome.

The Children’s Cancer and Leukaemia Group (CCLG) is supported by

Cancer Research-UK and this study was also funded by the Samantha

Dickson Brain Tumour Trust.


1 Bouffet E, Perilongo G, Canete A, Massimino M. Intracranial

ependymomas in children: a critical review of prognostic factors

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2 Grill J, Le Deley MC, Gambarelli D, et al. Postoperative

chemotherapy without irradiation for ependymoma in children

under 5 years of age: a multicenter trial of the French Society of

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3 Duffner PK, Horowitz ME, Krischer JP, et al. Postoperative

chemotherapy and delayed radiation in children less than three

years of age with malignant brain tumors.

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4 Merchant TE, Mulhern RK, Krasin MJ, et al. Preliminary results

from a phase II trial of conformal radiation therapy and evaluation

of radiation-related CNS effects for pediatric patients with localized


J Clin Oncol


