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Dom Rosso

Where were you beforeTeddies?

I was at the Dragon School, Oxford

What House are you in and what are you studying?

I am in Sing’s and I am studying Politics, English and Drama at

A Level.

When did your interest in theatre start?

My interest in theatre began whilst I was at my prep school. I was

only in my second year and accidentally stumbled into an audition

for the school play


. I was cast as one of the brothers and it

went from there. It wasn’t until my penultimate year at the Dragon

that I discovered the technical side of theatre.

What have you enjoyed most about theatre atTeddies?

The number of opportunities I’ve have had. Unlike most, I’m involved

both onstage as a performer and offstage as a technician. I have

participated as a technician in over 20 productions, the latest being

West Side Story

, where I took the role of Stage Manager and oversaw

the entire production - a role which, in the past, has been fulfilled by

a professional. Onstage I have performed in a large number of major

school productions but also in performances for A Level Drama,

most recently,

Tell Mary I Love Her

, our A2 exam piece, which we’re

taking to the Edinburgh Fringe this summer.

What is your favouriteTeddies production so far?

Love and Information

by Caryl Churchill. We performed it as our

AS piece and at Gaudy last year. We then took it up to the Fringe

for four days. It was so much fun to perform such an alternative

piece with all of my best friends at an event like the Edinburgh

Fringe Festival.

What extra-curricular activities have you enjoyed during

your time here?

Aside from Drama I have always tried to involve myself in as many

different areas of school life as possible. I have greatly enjoyed my

involvement in Chapel life. I’m a Head Sacristan and have been a

member of the Choir for the last five years. I also captained the

winning team in the debating competition, and have participated in

a serious amount of fundraising. On the other side of Woodstock

Road, I play in goal for the football team and spend most of the

summer months scoring for the 1st XI.

Who is your favourite teacher - and why?

Rev Kerr: even though he only taught me in Shells I have got to

know him really well through being a Sacristan and now Head

Sacristan. He has always been there for me if I’ve ever needed

support or help despite his relentless schedule. I also owe a lot to

the Drama Department for guiding me through the last five years.

What do you want to do after School?

Next year I am going back to my prep school to be a ‘gap-year

assistant’, something which I am greatly looking forward to.

Following that, I am going to university to read Law.

What would be your ‘Desert Island’ play?

Our Town

by Thornton Wilder. However, I must admit I do enjoy

Les Misérables
