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This will show a report on your listings with showings and

feedback from those showings. The report will have the

showing agent, the showing agent contact information and

feedback on the showing.

Had a price change or other change to your listing that you’d

like to share? You can email the agents that have shown

your listing to let them know of a price change or other

change to the listing. This icon will pull all agents who have

shown your listing, and

you simply type the

message and hit send.

Event Journal is a journal for your listing. Keep track of

advertising, contacts, other marketing to have in one place

for your sellers

This offers the same information but by single listing as the

showing report. The showing report will show for all your

listings, and the agent report allows you to choose a single

listing and view showing agents and feedback

The seller report is designed for distribution to your seller -

this report lists each showing and the showing agent