An inv asi onof pl an es ,cars, and tra insdes cen ded upon the San D ie go Co lle ge fo r Wom en .From
them emerg ed fre shme narmed with multif ar iousqu es tions, enthu sia sm , and lu gga ge ! The week of the ir
ar riv alwas a busy on ewith re gist ra tio n,mee tin grooma tes ,fu n at the campus fash ion show, the beach
pa rty at La Jo lla Shor es, and va rio usot he r ac tiv iti escomp ris ing"F resh manWee k" .
The excit emen tof th e first day soon se ttl edas classe sbeg an in ea rnes t. Octo be r 28t h wa s the da teof
the fre shm an dr amat icde bu tcommo nly known as "F resh manFo llies ",wh er ein th e st ud en tbody was
inv itedto sit downan d en joy a ki ng size coo k br immingover with ta lent an d than ks .Truly ,th e pr oduc
tio n, unde r th e ch airman sh ip of La Del leW il le ttan dJo anKar pi ns ki , was "Big En ou ghTo Wri te a Book
Abo ut ".
A very br ightno te in th e classca lendar was the Fre shm anClas s pa rty he ld at th e home ofMa ry Fipp
on No vemb er13 th , I96 0. G ro upleade rs,Ju di eJo hnst on,Patt iTie rnan ,Deb bi eDav idso n,Su zann eKor-
zon , Margie Mor ga n,Rut hWickers ham,Mur ie lPalm er,Li nd a Rahl, an d Li nd a Jam es, ke pt sp ir it hi gh
fo r thi s and many other events. The Ch ris tmassea son br ought en thus ias ticfre shmanspon so rshi p to th e
fo ur thannu altoy dr iv eun de rth e chairman sh ip of Ba rb ar aCo nnell yan d Ma ry Fran cesPolak iew icz .Our
Pr es iden tia lEl ect ionwa s he ld in Decem berat U.S.D .! Fres hman Clas s officerswer eMau ree nPe ch t,pre si
de nt ; MaryFi pp , vice -pres iden t; Tr es aSm ith , secreta ry; and Mary Jo Hod ge ,tr ea su re r.The firstsemest er
clos ed wi th the int el le ct ua l impa ct of final examin at ions an d the sp ir itu alde ep en ing of th e an nu alre tr ea t.
Semeste r bre ak saw th e day stud en tsen te rt ai ni ng th e res ide nt stud en tsat Rut h Wick ersh am 's home ,
and the recr ui tslook ingfo rw ar dto futu reman euve rson Februa ry5th at th e Fr eshmanSu pp erDa nce
pl anne dby Soc ial Ch airmenSus an Sc ar pu lla ,and Rut h Wick ers ham.A FreshmanOpe re tta,un de r the
dir ec tion of La Del leW il le ttass isted by Ma ry Ba ngas se r,was the Big Event in th e fre shmansp ri ngof
'61 . The tr ad ition al fre shma n- seni orpa rty clima xeda full yea r fo r the resp on sib le and respo ns iveclass of
'64 .
Mau re en Pe ch t, Tr esa Sm ith , Mot he r S. Fu ray,
Mary Jo Hod ge ,and Mary Fi pp .