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indicated that they use cars to get to parks than any other mode of transportation (50% of

responses). Thirty-one percent of responses were walking or rolling to parks and 19% were

biking. No respondents indicated that they use transit/shuttle to get to parks.

A high percentage of participants who selected Paradise, Galvan Park, and Nordstrom Park as

their most frequently visited parks indicated that they walked/rolled there. While Community

Park was the most regularly visited park, few respondents indicated that they walk/roll or

biked there. (Note: There were fewer responses to this question for Community Park.)

About twice as many participants indicated that they drive to their favorite parks than

walk/roll to their favorite park. The discrepancy between the mode of transit people use to get

to their most frequented park and their favorite park reinforces the finding that respondents’

favorite park is often not the closest park to their home.

Park Activities

Physical exercise, taking children to the playground, gathering with family and friends and

relaxing outdoors were the top activities selected for the parks that participants visited most


Dog walking was also among the most popular activities in the most frequently visited parks.

Community Park and Coyote Lake Harvey Bear Park are the two most popular parks for

walking dogs.


Identify the offerings that draws people to the most frequently visited and favorite parks and

consider opportunities to expand these offerings into other parks in Morgan Hill. Specifically,

Diana and Paradise Parks were among the most popular neighborhood parks. The

programming and facilities in these parks should be further examined to better understand

what attracts people to the parks and how these experiences may be incorporated into other

neighborhood parks.

The Master Planning process should consider the role of the most popular neighborhood parks

to determine whether their role is to serve the local neighborhoods or the wider community.

Nordstrom Park was among the most regularly visited parks. However, it was not among

respondents’ top favorite parks. A closer look at Nordstrom Park may reveal improvements

that could enhance the experience for the frequent users of the park.

Evaluate the County Parks frequently used by Morgan Hill community members to inform the

trail connections and access points needed between Morgan Hill and County facilities/land.

There may be potential to work with VTA or other providers to understand transit