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Respondents indicated the locations where they currently access trails (see Map 6). Responses

were concentrated along Northern Coyote Creek Trail to Anderson Lake, Coyote Lake-Harvey

Bear Ranch County Park, and along Little Llagas Creek, between Community Park and Paradise


Respondents were asked to draw on the map the trails they use (see Map 7). The most heavily

used trail is Coyote Creek Trail, north of Anderson Reservoir, which is consistent with the

finding that Anderson Lake County Park is the third most regularly visited park among


Respondents placed dots on the map where they would like to see trails formalized (see Map

8). There are some concentrated responses along desired routes. The routes include Main

where it intersects with Cochrane. There is also a cluster of responses on and around El Toro

and a cluster of responses in Downtown along Monterey. (See Map 6)

Respondents were asked to indicate barriers to walking and bicycling in Morgan Hill. (See Map

9) There are concentrations of barriers along Hwy 101 at major intersections.

Respondents generally indicated that Morgan Hill’s trails are good quality. On a scale of 1 (“not

good”) to 100 (“very good”), a majority of respondents (57%) rank Morgan Hill’s trails as

70/100 or better and most of those responses were between 71 and 80.

Biking and running are the top two activities that respondents reported doing on the trails

(35% and 20%, respectively).

The most frequently reported issues about trails are: there are not enough trails; many trails

need maintenance; and too few trails are located in or connected to Downtown Morgan Hill.


There is a clear desire for more trails and bikeways that connect to Downtown. The Master

Plan should look at opportunities for additional and safer routes and connections to Downtown.

The gaps between heavily used routes (see Map 7) highlight the need to connect these areas

and the potential demand for these connections. In particular, there is a need for a north-

south route as well as east-west connections that allow people to safely cross Hwy 101.

The popularity of Coyote Creek Trail highlights the importance of good connections to the trail.

Trails are primarily used for running and biking. There are also hikers and equestrian users.

Best practices for shared trails, including rules, signage and design, should be incorporated

into trails in Morgan Hill.