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September 23, 2015 | 6:30 – 8:00 p.m.

Hiram Morgan Hill Room, Community and Cultural Center


Twenty-three members of Morgan Hill’s Bikeway, Trails, Parks and Recreation Master Plan (Master

Plan) Stakeholder Advisory Group (SAG) (or their representatives) attended the first SAG meeting on

September 23. Some members who could not attend sent substitute representatives from their

organizations or interest groups. Also in attendance were City staff members including David

Gittleson, Chris Ghione, Jennie Tucker, Mark Burke, Debbie Vasquez, and Nick Calubaquib, and three

members of the consulting team including, Scott Davidson, Ellie Fiore, and Molly Cooney-Mesker. This

was the first in a series of four SAG meetings that will happen throughout the planning process.

The meeting began with a welcome and introductions by Chris Ghione, City of Morgan Hill. Following

introductions the MIG team provided an overview of the purpose of the Master Plan, the planning

process, and a summary of the data collection, community engagement and technical analysis

completed to-date. MIG reviewed the roles and responsibilities of SAG members, which include:

serving as liaisons to the broader community to encourage participation

representing their interest group as well as the broader community, and

helping to shape the Plan by identifying issues and opportunities, providing insights on

existing conditions, prioritizing proposed strategies and actions, and providing feedback on the

draft Plan.

Discussion: Community Enagagement

Following MIG’s summary of current and planned community engagement activities, SAG members

were asked to share their ideas for strategies to engage a diversity of community members. In

particular, they were asked to name the groups they feel are important to engage and the

communication tools that will be effective in reaching those groups. Ellie Fiore, MIG, recorded the

SAG’s suggestions.