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Chapter 2: Existing Conditions and Community Needs





Bikeways, Trails, Parks and Recreation Master Plan


Recreation Facilities: Key Findings

There is strong demand for additional field capacity, gymnasium spaces

and aquatic facilities

. The City already enjoys high levels of aquatic service

on a per capita basis but peak hours at the pools are often crowded.

Community members support joint use agreements with schools to help

address these needs.

Morgan Hill is planning to expand its regional sports park facilities

including improved OSC /AC parking and expansion of the CRC. This will

support its continued growth as a tourism destination.

The City is well-positioned to develop a sand volleyball complex.


volleyball is a fast-growing sport. However, few dedicated facilities have been

developed in Northern California or the country at large.

There is strong support for further developing the City’s historical and

cultural resources,

including adapting and enhancing Villa Mira Monte as a

History Park to preserve and educate the community.

Local access to regional facilities

is critically important to Morgan Hill.

Access to existing facilities should be protected and enhanced, and local access

should be guaranteed for any new developments.

Balancing cost recovery and community access is essential

for operation

of the City’s recreation facilities. Given the City’s limited discretionary general