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Chapter 4: Policies, Actions and Projects

Bikeways, Trails, Parks and Recreation Master Plan |



Develop regular maintenance plans for all parks and facilities including

reinvestment schedules for major elements (roof, HVAC, etc.)

Maintenance plans should include the following


Budget and schedule for system-wide renovation programs of critical

recreation components, including bikes, trails, fields, courts, play

areas, and amenities.

A routine preventive maintenance program for all bikeways, trails,

parks, facilities, equipment, vehicles, and other assets.

Assessment of long-term maintenance, repair, and replacement

needs for all parks, facilities, and equipment.

Provisions for adding features that meet current needs and address

ADA accessibility and sustainability issues when upgrading or

renovating existing parks and recreation facilities.

Opportunities for volunteer support for site maintenance and



Continue to implement staff development and training programs on a

wide range of topics such as customer service, cultural competency,

health and fitness, senior and youth issues, and local history and culture.


Continue to engage all relevant City departments and divisions in

planning, design, and programming, drawing on the unique and

specialized skills and perspectives of:

City Manager’s Office;

Community Services Department;

City Attorney’s Office;

Engineering and Utilities Department;

Development Services Department;

Administrative Services Department;

City Commissions,

Police Department; and

Fire Department.


Coordinate with and/or use other relevant City plans and policies to

ensure consistency, including:

Morgan Hill 2035 General Plan;

Residential Development Control System (RDCS);

Specific plans;

Master plans; and