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The Irish Solicitors in London Bar

Association's Second Charity Ball

The Irish Solicitors in London Bar

Association hosted its second

Charity Ball at the Natural History

Museum in South Kensington,

London on Saturday 12 May 1990.

We were honoured that Don

Binchy, the Senior Vice President of

the Incorporated Law Society of

Ireland, attended the Ball with his

wife Joan. We were also delighted

that John Randall, the Director of

the Professional Standards and

Development Directorate of The

Law Society (of England and

Wales), who has been most sup-

portive and helpful to our Associa-

tion, was able to attend also.

Robert Johnston, a retired partner

of McCann FitzGerald now living in

London, who is the outgoing Presi-

dent of the Confederation Fiscale

Europeenne and a member of our

Association, also attended the Ball

with his wife Meeda.

Max Abrahamson, who, as the

leading construction lawyer in the

British Isles, is undoubtedly the

Irish solicitor best known in English

legal circles, delivered the principal

speech of the evening, the after-

dinner toast to tne Association.

Max, who is also a member of our

Association, made a most amusing

speech, which presented me with

some difficulty in having to follow

him when, on behalf of the

Association, I proposed a toast to

our guests!

In 1989 the Organising Com-

mittee embarked on the organisa-

tion of a Charity Ball with some

trepidation. Fortunately our fears

were ill-founded and owing to the

tremendous support which we re-

ceived from our members and from

several Irish firms of solicitors and

other Irish companies, we raised

£10,500 sterling for the benefit of

a very worthy cause, the then

newly-established UK Branch of the

Irish Youth Foundation. This was

particularly encouraging and con-

vinced us that the Ball was an

event which should become an

annual one. Last year's Ball had the

welcome secondary result of

enhancing the image and reputa-

tion of Irish solicitors in London.

The profit from the 1989 Ball

was passed by the Irish Youth

Foundation to the Irish Welfare

Bureau in Hammersmith, which is

run by Father Jim Kiely and which

helps deprived young Irish people

by providing shelter and counsell-

ing. It was decided that the profit

from the 1990 Ball would also be

given to the UK Branch of the Irish

Youth Foundation and passed by

them, in consultation with our

Association, to a suitable charity

helping deprived young Irish people

in London.


Cliona M O'Tuama,

B.C.L. (N.U.I.), A.I.T.I.


(President of the Irish

Solicitors in London Bar


I am very honoured to have been

made a Trustee of the Irish Youth

Foundation (UK) last summer and

to have been able to participate in

a positive way in the work done by

this worthy charity in overseeing

the distribution of funds raised to

assist worthwhile projects for the

benefit of young Irish people in

London and elsewhere in Britain, I

am so pleased that the Irish

Solicitors in London Bar Associa-

tion has been able to contribute to

such a worthy cause.

We were delighted to welcome to

our Ball Cathal Ryan, the Chairman

of the UK Branch of the Irish Youth


As with last year, we were over-

whelmed by the support which we

received from Irish firms of solici-

tors and other Irish companies. In

particular, we were delighted when

AIB Bank and Aer Lingus, each of

whom has a very significant pre-

sence in Britain, agreed to be joint

sponsors of our 1990 Ball.

As with last year, we received

tremendous support from William

Earley, one of the London-resident

partners of McCann FitzGerald, and

that firm donated £1,000 towards

our cause, as well as taking a

corporate table at the Ball. William

will be returning to Dublin later in

the summer and will be sadly

missed in London legal circles and

particularly by our Association.

Other generous donations were

received from Eugene F. Collins,

William Fry and Matheson Ormsby


Max Abrahamson took two cor-

porate tables at the Ball on behalf

of his Dublin office and the

international partnership of Baker &

McKenzie, in which he is a partner.

As with last year, Murray Sweeney

of Limerick and Dublin was one of

the first Irish firms to offer to take

a corporate table and also pre-

sented two magnificent piefces of

crystal as raffle prizes. Joe

Sweeney hosted their table and his

guests included partners from the

London firm Nabarro Nathanson,

with whom Murray Sweeney now

has an informal link. A & L

Goodbody, whose London office

has been operating for almost two

years, also took a corporate table,

which was hosted by one of their

London-resident partners, Paul


Other lawyers over from Ireland

included Declan Moylan, a partner

in Dublin firm Mason Hayes &

Curran and barrister Richard


Of course our joint sponsors AIB

Bank and Aer Lingus also took

corporate tables. Other "Irish" cor-

porate tables were taken by Anglo-

Irish Bank Corp and the British-

based Irish construction companies

M F Clancy & Sons Limited and J

J McGinley Limited. M F Kent

Limited, the Irish engineers and

contractors who operate all over

the world, also hosted a corporate


The major US bank Manu-

facturers Hanover Limited was

another significant donor to our

cause and had a corporate table


We are delighted that our Ball has

become an annual event on the

social calendar not only of Irish

(Contd. on pit78)