she had to be concerned with
any errors which the Land
Registry might make and the
Registry's responsibility for
these because of the principle
of a guaranteed title by the
Registry. Again further dis-
cussion on this particular area
could arise at a later date.
Mr. Shaw raised the issue of
delays in issuing Land Certi-
ficates. Again the Registrar
explained that there were
problems in relation to this
because of various difficulties
including locating folios when
dealings are pending and
issuing the Land Certificate.
She was having this reviewed.
Mr. O'Donnell indicated that
he saw no reason why Land
Certificates should be bespoken
at the completion of dealings
for either Banks or Building
Societies and also indicated
that certificates of charge
were not really necessary on
the completion of dealings.
Mr. Shaw raised the issue of
Section 49 applications and
applications for first registra-
tion. The Registrar made the
point that Solicitors were tardy
in replying to queries in re-
lation to this matter. Mr. Shaw
also raised the issue that it
should be possible to issue a
check-list of what would be
required for a Section 49 ap-
plication and with increased
use of the Solicitor's certi-
ficate that delays could be
lessened to a greater extent.
Delays in connection with
the Land Commission were
discussed. Mr. Shaw suggest-
ed that because the title had
already been investigated by
the Land Commission Soli-
citor's Branch that such appli-
cations for Land Commission
documen t a t i on
necessary. The Registrar
asked that Mr. Shaw should
submit a paper to the Land
Registry on this aspect.
The Registrar admitted that
there were delays in connect-
ion with the registration of
Schedules from the Land Com-
mission but stated that it was
a question of prioritising the
work taking into account the
availability of staff to deal with it.
The meeting also consider-
ed the delays in the Registry of
Deeds which were currently
running at ten weeks. At the
moment there are 52,000
dealings per annum being re-
gistered but with a reduction
in staff. Delays were therefore
inevitable. The output in the
Registry had however in-
creased by over 5% in 1989
over 1988. The Registrar
pointed out that there was an
enormous number of inaccur-
acies arising on memorials. It
was agreed that Ms. Hayes
would prepare a short memo-
randum stating the necessary
requirements for a memorial
that should be circulated to all
practitioners wi th possible
precedents of memorials to
lessen delays and having
documents rejected because
of inaccuracies. The Registrar
pointed out that the intended
early computerisation of the
Abstracts in the Registry of
Deeds wi ll enhance the
service provided.
Mr. Shaw on behalf of the
Society welcomed the meet-
ing which he found both
refreshing and encouraging.
The Registrar had clearly
shown a very deep insight into
the problems arising in the
Land Registry and Mr. Shaw
indicated his total and ab-
solute support for her efforts.
Equally he indicated that if
representations were required
to the Department of Justice
he was quite prepared to make
them as it seemed to him to be
axiomatic that the Depart-
ment wou ld supply the
necessary funds to enable the
improved procedures to go
ahead. The Registrar however
expressed an optimism as to
the future of the Registries
and the resources wh i ch
would be available to them
based on the commitment and
calibre of her staff in both
Registries and her Minister's
expressed committment to an
improvement of the service
provided in both Registries.
It was agreed that this
meeting would serve as a
forerunner to a number of
meetings with a view to im-
proving the Land Registry and
all parties agreed to co-operate
to try and achieve this im-
provement as soon as possible.
Roscommon Bar Association
Roscommon Bar Assoociation
enjoyed its annual golf outing at
Boyle Golf Club on the 30th May
last. Held in ideal weather, the
outing was extended to spouses of
members and this year attracted
almost 30 participants. John
Sweeney, Roscommon, who acted
as M.C., thanked all who took part
and Boyle Club President Tom
Callan presented the following
Christopher Callan (Boyle)
Justice James Gilvarry, Judge
Ma t t hew
Caulfield (Castlerea).
Mrs. Rosemary Callan (Boyle),
Mrs. Olivia Kelly (Boyle).
Ms. Marie Connellan (Strokes-
Donald Binchy (Clonmel).
A very enjoyable meal and
evening followed organised by
Ladies Club President, Siobhan
Carlos and Joan Kelly.
Colours available
100% SILK
Price £16.50
(incl. V A T & Post)
A c c o u n t s Dep t .,
B l ackba ll Pl ace,
Dub l in 7.