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Vol. I, No. 1.]

May, 1907.



yTAHE Council have decided to issue to the


members of the Society monthly (except

in the months of September and October) a

Gazette, the contents of which will consist

chiefly of statements of work done by the

Council during the previous month, notes of

decisions of professional

interest, and an–

nouncements as to examinations and admissions

of apprentices. The Council will be glad to

receive from members notes of matters of

interest to the Profession for publication ; but

the Council reserve the right to

refect or

modify such notes.

All communications connected with THE

GAZETTE (other than advertisements) should

be addressed to the Secretary of the Society,

Solicitors' Buildings, Four Courts, Dublin.

THE GAZETTE will accept advertisements for

sale and purchase of property, loans, securities

offered, and money for investment on mort–

gages, partnerships, clerkships, and generally

such advertisements as would be of service to

the members of the Society and the Profession.

Communications as to advertisements should

be addressed to Messrs. Ponsonby, 116 Grafton

Street, Dublin.


is not

intended to be in

competition with the existing Law journals or


Correspondence will not be published in


Half-Yearly General Meeting.

THE Half-Yearly General Meeting of the

members of the Society will be held upon

Thursday, the i6th day of May, 1907, at two

o'clock p.m.,

in the Hall of the Society,

Solicitors' Buildings, Four Courts.

In addition to such other business as may be

properly brought before the meeting, the ordi–

nary business to be transacted consists of the

nomination of scrutineers of the ballot for

election of the Council, to be held upon 2ist

November next, and the election of auditors of

the accounts of the Society for year ending

3oth April, 1907.

Meeting of the Council.

THE Council met upon Wednesday, 17111 April.

The President (Mr. W. S. Hayes) in the

chair, and twenty-three other members were


The Secretary reported that in the case of

Wakely v. Horkan,

heard at Swinford upon the

12th April, before the County Court Judge of


a decree for a penalty of ^"5 was

obtained against the defendant for having pre–

pared for remuneration an assignment of land,

contrary to the provisions of 27 Vict. cap. 8.

A Report from the Costs Committee, recom–

mending the Council to support an appeal in

the case of




against a

decision of a Taxing Master, was confirmed.

The opinion of the Council having been re–

quested as to the disallowance by an examiner

of the Land Commission of five guineas placed

on the schedule for payment to a firm of land

agents, for their services in obtaining signa–

tures to seven consents apportioning tithe rent

charge, the Council expressed its approval of

the ruling.