Sunday 15 May –
Masterclass Presentations
Dr Susan Ebbels
(optional extra to the Conference registration fee)
10 principles for improving interdisciplinary practice
1.30pm – 5.00pm (including afternoon tea)
Emeritus Professor
Pamela (Pam) Enderby
Effective therapy/rehabilitation almost always requires good interdisciplinary
team working. This is often taken for granted but studies show that
this dynamic process involving different health, social and educational
professionals can be impeded or facilitated in working together.
This presentation is based on a study which involved merging a literature
review and the findings from interviews with 253 staff from 11 teams in
the UK. Qualitative content analysis led to a framework that identified
essential characteristics and proposes ten competencies that support the
development of effective interdisciplinary team work.
Learning objectives
• understanding the concept of interdisciplinary working
• identifying barriers and facilitators to interdisciplinary working
• determining effective ways of improving interdisciplinary learning.
Attendance to this Masterclass is limited to 100.
9.00am – 12.30pm (including morning tea)
This Masterclass aims to update SLPs (and other interested professionals)
on the current evidence base for intervention for school-aged children
with language impairments. It will focus predominantly on comprehension
and production at the word (vocabulary and word-finding), sentence
(sentence construction and comprehension of sentences) and narrative
Attendees will learn about different levels of research evidence and a
traffic light colour-coding system will be used throughout so that they can
see at a glance the reliability of each piece of evidence mentioned. At the
sentence level, registrants will learn about studies which contrast different
methods and agents of delivery of intervention to children with language
impairments (where the details of the actual intervention approach are
not the main focus). They will also learn about the evidence for different
specific intervention approaches. At the word level, attendees will learn
about studies aiming to improve word learning and vocabulary and also
intervention for word finding difficulties. The implications of the evidence
base for clinical practice will also be discussed.
Learning objectives
• to understand how different research designs can vary in their
robustness and which design features strengthen or weaken a study
• to gain an overview of the current evidence base for school-aged
children with language impairments and the implications for practice
I will assume that registrants have an understanding of different areas of
SLP work with school-aged children and knowledge of the terms used by
SLPs when working in these areas.
Attendance to this Mastercslass is limited to 100.
– The current evidence base for school-aged children with language impairments
1.30pm – 5.00pm (including afternoon tea)
Session Full