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JUNE 1996

the house, and all work concerning the

securitisation of the mortgage for the

princely sum of £ 2 9 5 to include

outlays and VAT. I understand that

this f ee is standard and applies

whatever the purchase price. In

addition, I note that s ome of our

c o l l e a g u es are charging a total £ 5 9 0

for an entire sale and purchase

transaction to include again all

mortgage work.

Wh i le there is no doubt but that f e es

for all legal work should be

c omp e t i t i v e ly priced, it wo u ld s e em to

me that this level of charges is nothing

short of ludicrous. Certainly wh en one

considers the amount of work d o ne in

a standard c o n v e y a n c i ng transaction

n ow, c o up l ed with the ever increasing

d ema nds of mortgagees, we as a

profession, should charge a reasonable

rate for the work to be done. I find it

very hard to accept that the present

l ow rate of f e es being charged by

s ome of our c o l l e a g u es are cost

e f f e c t i v e. Ev en if one was carrying

out a huge v o l ume of c o n v e y a n c i ng

work, the fact of the matter remains

that each individual c o n v e y a n ce

requires a certain amount of time and

effort, which should be reflected in

the price charged.

My impression is that the Law Society

is steering clear of making any

r e c omme nd a t i o ns to the profession

with regard to c o n v e y a n c i ng fees. My

understanding is that this is due to the

provisions of the Comp e t i t i on Act.

Wh i le I appreciate that there should be

c omp e t i t i on in every market including

the market for legal services, I also

feel that it is incumbent on the Law

S o c i e ty in its regulatory role, to assure

that the concerns of the majority of its

memb e rs (and I b e l i e ve that I

represent the majority v i e w) are

represented. I further b e l i e ve that it is

incumbent on the S o c i e ty to insure

that its memb e rs operate at a realistic

level of costing. The other profession

i n v o l v ed directly in c o n v e y a n c i ng

transactions namely the Auctioneers

and Valuers profession s e ems to have

managed adequately to preserve their

costing charges over the years so why

can't w e ?

Yours sincerely,

Sean O'Brien




The Stone


Old Blessington







Order now from:

L i nda Do l an,

The Law Society,

Bl ackha ll Place,

Dub l in 7.

Tel: ( 0 1 ) 6 7 1 0 7 1 1

Fax: ( 0 1 ) 6 7 1 0 7 0 4


£40+VAT (£48.40) for 50

+ p&p-1-2 pkts £5.50

each additional pkt. £5.50

• Substantially Revised.

• As well as breaching copyright, your

costs to produce these

would be approximately

two times our price!