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Report on Council meeting held on

15 November 1996

The following is a brief summary of the

meeting of the Council of the Law

Society on 15 November 1996.

1. The new Council

This first meeting of the new Council

year was begun by the outgoing

President, Andrew F Smyth, welcoming

the newly elected members of the

Council, Orla Coyne and Patricia

McNamara, and reporting that the

nominees as extraordinary members of

the Council for the forthcoming year

were, from the Dublin Solicitors Bar

Association. Ruadhan Killeen, James

McCourt and Hugh O'Neill, from the

Southern Law Association. Ernest J

Cantillon. Sean Durkan and Martin

Harvey together with Jeremiah Healy

(North & East Cork) and Richard

Barrett (West Cork).

2. Election of Senior Vice President

and Junior Vice President

The chairman of the scrutineers reported

that Laurence K Shields had been

nominated, unopposed, as Senior Vice

President and he was deemed elected.

Elma Lynch had been nominated,

unopposed, as Junior Vice President and

she was deemed elected.

3. Taking of office by President

Pursuant to Council Regulation 21,

Frank Daly was then formally appointed

by the Council as President of the Law

Society. The outgoing President

presented Mr Daly with the presidential

chain of office and the Council gave

them both a standing ovation. The

newly appointed President thanked

the Council members for their

support and paid a warm tribute to the

outgoing President. Andrew F Smyth.

Mr Daly said he intended to operate an

"open door" policy during his

presidency and he hoped the profession

would move forward together over

the next year. He had established

three new committees for the coming

year. The image of the profession

committee was intended to operate as a

proactive arm of the Public Relations

Committee. The Future of the

Profession Committee and the Co-

ordination Committee had been

established in line with the

recommendations of the Review

Working Group.

4. Conduct of lot for two-year Council


A lot was then conducted among the

ordinary members of the Council for the

purpose of choosing 16 who would be

deemed elected for a two-year period

ending at the 1998 Annual General

Meeting. The result of the lot is

recorded elsewhere in this


5. Motion: Practice Management


"that this Council approves the terms

of the attached draft statutory

instrument in relation to the

Solicitors Practice Management and

Development Course and subject to

the concurrence of the Minister for

Justice, resolves that it be enacted to

be effective from I April 1997"


Pat O'Connor


Terence McCrann

The proposer said that a number of

Council members had forwarded their

views on the draft statutory instrument

and it was agreed that the motion be

adjourned to the December Council

meeting to allow these views be taken

on board.

6. Reciprocal arrangements with

Pennsylvania Bar Association

Following discussion on the merits of

an Education Committee proposal in

relation to reciprocity between this

jurisdiction and that of Pennsylvania

and also of the New York Bar

Association, it was agreed that the

matter be adjourned to the December

Council meeting for further


7. Acting for both builder and


Niall Casey referred to the draft

regulations and discussion document

which were now coming before the

Council pursuant to the decision in

principle taken by the Council some

months ago to prohibit solicitors acting

on behalf of both builder and purchaser

in the same transaction. Following a

lengthy discussion to which many

Council members contributed, a number

of amendments to the draft regulations

were agreed. A positive counsel's

opinion would have to be obtained on

one aspect of the regulations before

they were introduced. It was agreed that

further regulations should be brought

forward to deal with other conflicts

of interest which can arise in

conveyancing transactions.

8. Proxy voting at AGMs

Michael Irvine said that at the Annual

General Meeting, the previous night,

many members were opposed to the

proposal for proxy voting but appeared

to be in favour of a postal voting

system. Following discussion the

Council agreed to the establishment of a

sub-committee comprising Michael

Irvine. Geraldine Clarke and Michael

Peart to consider bringing forward a

proposal on postal voting on AGM

motions in certain circumstances.

9. Joint education course with Kings'


The chairman of the Education

Committee reported that a joint

litigation module with the King's Inns

would be held from 3 to 13 March 1997

consisting of six lectures. This module

represented a major step forward, and if

the pilot project was successful, it could

be developed into other areas of

education and training. A series of

Council members praised this

breakthrough and complimented those

who had been involved for some years

with this including in particular the