Programm - Plenarveranstaltungen
Freitag, 08.03.2013
Short-term Psychodynamic psychotherapy
for Somatic Disorders: State of evidence and
videotape illustration
A. Abbass, Halifax)
Dr. Allan Abbass ist Direktor der Lehrsektion der
psychiatrischen Abteilung an der Dalhousie University,
Halifax, Canada. Er ist Lehrtherapeut und Autor mehrerer
Studien und Übersichtsarbeiten zur Wirksamkeit
psychodynamischer Psychotherapien. In seinem Vortrag
wird er den aktuellen Stand referieren und neueste Daten
zur gesundheitsökonomischen Relevanz vorstellen:
Short-term Psychodynamic Psychotherapy (STPP) has
been subjected to over 25 published outcome studies of
the method across problems in every body system from
skin to gut. These studies include a mix of randomized
controlled trials and naturalistic designs which in the main
show superiority over controls and robust effects which
persist in long-term followup. There is evidence of reduced
health care use, symptoms and psychosocial adjustment.
Because these are short treatments, they are cost effective.
Treatments more focused on emotional experiencing
outperform insight based models. One of these models in
Davanloo’s Intensive Short-term Dynamic Psychotherapy
which has several studies showing effects in chronic
pain, movement disorders, and medically unexplained
symptoms. New data from a large scale cost effectiveness
study will be reviewed showing a 10 to 1 healthcare cost
savings after an average of 7 treatment sessions with a
mixed psychiatric/psychosomatic sample.
J. Szecsenyi, Heidelberg)
Prof. Dr. Joachim Szecsenyi ist Facharzt für Allgemein-
medizin und Sozialwissenschaftler. Er ist Ärztlicher
Direktor der Abteilung Allgemeinmedizin und Versor-
gungsforschung, einer der europaweit renommiertesten
Einrichtungen im Bereich Versorgungsforschung.
Samstag, 09.03.2013
Self-Consciousness and the Inter-Subjective
Body in Anorexia Nervosa
D. Legrand, Paris)
Dr. Dorothee Legrand ist Philosophin, lehrt und forscht
am l’École normale supérieure in Paris unter anderem zu:
Störungen des verkörperten Selbst bei Essstörungen:
I consider whether anorexia can be a mode of being
expressive for others. Rather than conceiving anorexia
as only a perturbation of the subject’s relationship to
herself, or as only a bodily substitute for speech and
mentalization, I consider the structure of communication
from a philosophical and psychoanalytic perspective, and
argue that anorexic bodily self-transformation can be
understood as a mode of speaking addressed to others as
a call for recognition of one’s bodily subjectivity, i.e. of one’s
irreducibility to any objective property her body may have
for herself and others.
Psychodynamic therapy for depression
J.P. Barber, New York)
Prof. Dr. Jaques P. Barber ist Dekan des Derner Institute of
Advanced Psychological Studies an der Adelphi University
in New York, Autor von über 180 Originalpublikationen
und ein international angesehener Experte in Psycho-
therapieprozess und Outcomeforschung. Sein Vortrag
führt zu einem Ausblick auf zukünftige relevante
Forschungsfelder: ”We will review the empirical literature
examining the evidence for psychodynamic therapy with
a focus on the evidence available regarding dynamic
therapy for depression. We will describe in details a
recent randomized clinical trial for depression comparing
supportive-expressive psychodynamic psychotherapy
vs. antidepressant medication as well as a recent meta
analysis of psychodynamic psychotherapy for depression
we conducted. We will then review briefly some of the
strengths and problems of randomized clinical trials to
study psychodynamic psychotherapy. The talk will end
with suggestions about where we should go next in
studying the efficacy of dynamic therapy”