wiredInUSA - October 2016
Clinton High Frequency Spark Tester
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(860) 669-7548
www.clintoninstrument.comHF-15B Spark Tester
Venezuelan president Nicolas Maduro
has approved a production recovery
plan for the country’s steelmaker, Sidor.
The goal of the plan is to produce four
million tonnes of crude steel by 2018.
The plan will have six steps, including the
activation of an electric arc furnace in
the billet area, and the resumption of
rolling trains of wire rod and rebar.
“In the first month of this plan, we were
able to produce 45,000 metric tons of
crude steel, which were rolled into rebar
and wire rod,” said Sidor’s president, Justo
Noguera Pietri.
The second phase, currently ongoing,
projects a monthly output of 100,000
tonnes of crude steel.
production of 425,000 tonnes per month,
or 5.1 million tonnes per year, of crude
steel. It also can produce 390,000 tonnes
per year of rebar and 600,000 tonnes of
wire rod, among other products.
Stepping up steel production