Wiggle eyes
Wiggle eyes with self-adhesive layer. Pack of 50 pieces.
530.130 Wiggle eyes, 5 mm
Weaving strips
Weaving strips of glaced paper in 10 different colours.
Size: 1 cm x 20 cm.
084.031 Weaving strips. 1000 pieces assorted colours.
Size: 2 cm x 20cm
753.937 Weaving strips, 200 pieces assorted colours
Wiggle eyes
Round, white eyes with a moveable pupil. Fitted with a metal
eyelet for attaching.
Pack of 10 pieces.
530.091 8 mm
530.092 10 mm
530.093 12 mm
Pack of 50 pieces.
530.100 8 mm
530.101 10 mm
530.102 12 mm
530.105 20 mm
Weaving mats
Sets of 48 interconnected figures,
8 different images
Size: A4
083.091 Weaving mats
Weaving mats
Size: 15 x 20 cm. Pack of 100 sheets.
522.170 White
Size: 12 x 17 cm. Pack of 50 assorted sheets.
083.093 Coloured
Weaving needle
Metal. Length: 19,5 cm.
522.222 Weaving needle
Arts & Crafts