ISPAM History
November 29, 2010
AOAC Research Board endorsed supporting a
stakeholder panel to work on harmonizing validation
guidelines for alternative methods.
December, 2010
AOAC Board of Directors approves establishing an
Advisory Panel to define the project
March 15, 2011
Advisory Panel meets to define the project and
recommends experts for Stakeholder Panel and
Working Groups
April 12, 2011
Review of potential Panel andWorking Group
ISPAM History
September 29, 2012
ChemistryWorking Group –
Developed guidelines for validation of qualitative chemistry
Proposed guidelines be circulated to broader group
Microbiology working group –
Accepted the Food Category Table
Discuss alternatives for validating the equivalency of reference
Organize a working group to discuss MethodVerification related to
All Foods Claim
Create an ISPAMWG to develop recommendations to the revision
of ISO 6579 on
Voted to discontinue work on
E. coli
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