Meeting of the International Stakeholder Panel on Alternative
Methods (ISPAM) and Working Groups
Thursday, March 14, 2013
8:30 am – 5:00 pm
Plaza 1 & 2
ISPAM Sub-group Meeting on Harmonization of Verification Guidelines for “All
Foods” Claims
Michael Brodsky, Brodsky Consultants and Chair, “All Foods”
Sub-group **
(9:45 am – 11:45 am)
At its September 2012 meeting, ISPAM formed a sub-group of the
Microbiological Working Group to develop harmonized verification procedures
for methods that have an “all foods” claim.
During this meeting, the sub-group will present several recommendations to
ISPAM for vote on the “all foods” claim. *
The group will also discuss the Draft ISO Standard, “Microbiology of food and
animal feed – Method validation Part 4: Protocol for verification of reference
and alternative methods implemented in a single laboratory using validated or
non-validated matrices.” This draft will be compared to other method
verification procedures. The intent is to make recommendations to the ISO
committee charged with drafting the standard so that it becomes an
internationally harmonized method.
Lunch Break – 11:45am – 12:30 pm
Action Items for ISPAM vote
This meeting is open to the entire Stakeholder Panel. Action items will be voted
on by ISPAM and all are encouraged to participate.
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