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Increased liaison with preschool teachers – speech
pathologists should directly contact preschool teachers in
their area and disseminate up-to-date information about
stuttering in young children.
The speech pathology profession should utilise the results
of this questionnaire to more fully investigate the need for
increased preschool services for young children who
The speech pathology profession should foster ongoing
collaboration with preschool teachers as they indicate they
would be responsive advocates in support of lobbying for
increased service provision.
A preliminary attempt to address the request for more
information has already been made by final year (2006)
speech pathology students at the School of Human Com
munication Sciences at La Trobe University. These students
developed and distributed an information package to
preschool teachers in Victoria
(http://www.latrobe.edu.au/hcs/projects/preschoolstuttering/index.html). It contains a
PowerPoint slide show for preschool teachers and
downloadable information brochures for teachers and parents
of young children who stutter.
The authors wish to acknowledge the support of the Speech
Pathology Australia Clinician Grant. Dr Sue Cotton consulted
on preliminary statistical analyses. We also sincerely thank
the respondents for participating in this study.
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(2002). Epidemiology of stuttering in the community across
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(6), 1097–1105.
Correspondence to:
Brenda Carey
199 Waverley Rd
East Malvern, Vic. 3145
phone: 03 9571 5843
brendacarey@bigpond.comBrenda Carey
is completing her PhD at the Australian
Stuttering Research Centre, University of Sydney and
also works in clinical education at La Trobe University.
Fiona Ross
works in private practice and in clinical
education at La Trobe University.
Susan Block
is a senior
lecturer in the School of Human Communication Sciences
at La Trobe University and coordinator of the La Trobe
University Fluency Clinic.
Vince Borg
is a speech pathologist
in private practice.
Paul O’Halloran
is a lecturer in the
School of Public Health at La Trobe University.
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