Courses at a Glance|
Science education plays a vital part in the development of a person’s intellectual curiosity. At
Havergal College, we are committed to developing young women with strong problem-solving skills
and analytical abilities. We prepare our students for the rigors of post-secondary science education
while nurturing a sense of wonder about the natural world around us. Our science programs not only
encourage inquiry and exploration of ideas but also provide challenging content in the areas of biology,
chemistry and physics.
Havergal students must be able to make informed decisions about the impact of science and
technology as well as about environmental issues. These decisions can only be made with a solid
understanding of the science involved.
The Science and Technology courses offered in Grades 7 and 8 focus on the skills and processes that
are fundamental to scientific investigations. Students use these skills and processes to conduct and
report on their own experiments. Students learn to confidently and safely use the tools and equipment
necessary to gather data and report accurately on that data. Computer technology is directly
incorporated into these courses and students use this technology to record, analyse and present
their results. Word processing, spreadsheet and Power Point applications are taught and used by the
students in an authentic context. During their investigations, students learn the core content required
in Grade 7 and 8 Science.
Grade 7 Science and Technology
Science and Technology 7 uses an inquiry-based approach to learning. The students work in the laboratory
to observe, document and understand various scientific phenomena and theories. The aim of the course is
to help students understand the basic concepts of science and technology, to develop the student’s skills
strategies and habits of mind required for scientific inquiry and technological design, to relate scientific and
technological knowledge to each other and to the world outside the school and to develop the student’s
communication skills that are an essential component of science and technology education. The course
introduces students to the basic skills important in scientific investigations as well as introducing them to
the Kinetic Molecular theory, which is the conceptual underpinning for much of the Grade 7 and 8 Science
courses. Students also explore concepts in biology (ecological interactions), chemistry (solutions), physics
(structural strength and stability) and earth and space science (heat in the environment).