Courses at a Glance|
or earlier. This responsibility is a crucial courtesy to other library users ensuring their access to the
library’s collection.
Havergal operates two computer labs: 25 desktop and 12 laptop computers in the Reta Weston Library
Resource Centre; and 25 computers in a state-of-the-art Multi Media Lab, which includes industry-
standard digital video, image manipulation and graphic layout software. Three classrooms with
desktop computers are also available for students and there are 10 wireless laptop carts for use during
classroom activities.
Havergal is wireless throughout the campus and students in Grades 9 to 12 will be required to bring
personal laptops or other mobile devices into the school to gain Internet access and complete assigned
work in class. Personal laptops or other mobile devices will be used in the classroom at the discretion
of the individual teacher. Students are asked not to text and walk and to be thoughtful about their use
of mobile technologies. Students and one of their parents/guardians are required to read and agree to
comply with the Acceptable Use of Technology Agreement and abide by the
Code of Conductin order
to have network access at Havergal.