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At the preliminary examination for candidates seeking

to become apprentices to solicitors, held on 4th and';

5th instants, the following passed

the examination, '

and their names are arranged in order of merit:—

1. John H. Charley

3. George P. MacLaughlin

2. John O'Kane

4. Frederick E. Bermingham

a. Arthur Gregg

Patrick J. Callan has passed the special preliminary '

examination, for which he had liberty to present himself.

The remaining candidates are postponed.

At the final examination for apprentices seeking admis

sion as solicitors, held upon the Gth^and 7th instants, I

the following passed the examination, and their names ,

are arranged in order of merit:—

1. James Kearns

2. John W. Pinkerton

3. Timothy Lucey, B.A.,

LL.B., B.U.I.

4. Valentine F. Kirwaii


Edward Cooksey

G. Robert D. Wilson

7. Albert L. Smith

8. Michael J. Johnston


9. Francis L. Hughes, B.A.,


10. Thomas O'B. Kelly

11. Barton G. Barton, B.A.,


12. John J. Power, B.A.,

13. William



B.A., LL.B., R.U.I.

14. Levins J. O'Reilly

15. James C. M'Gifford

10. Frederick Maxwell,

B.A., R.U.I.

17. Charles R. Robinson

18. Stanley B. Allan

19. Redmoud J. Carroll

20. John C. Russell

21. Robert Powell, jun.,

B.A., T.C.D.

22. John B. Smyth

| 23. Joseph Speer

24, Montgomery Beatty


25. Septimus D. Lambert, B.A., T.C.D.



The Court of Examiners have awarded a gold medal

to Jas. Kearns, silver medals to John. W. Pinkerton

and Timothy Lueey, and special certificates to Valentine

F. Kirwan, Edward Cooksey, Robert D. Wilson, Albert

L. Smith, and Michael J. Johnston. The remaining

candidates are postponed.

By Order,

WH. G-EO. WAKELY, Secretary.

Solicitors' Buildings, Four Courts.

Dublin, 27th January, 1904.