an important increase of the frequency and intensity
of heat waves. Warming was less pronounced during
the winter, when temperature increase was less than
0.4°C everywhere. Some areas even show a slight
cooling during the CARPATCLIM investigation period.
Figure 9:
Changes in daily mean air temperature (°C) (left) and precipitation (%) (right) in the greater Car-
pathian region in winter (DJF) and summer (JJA) as the multi-model mean for the years 2021–2050 relative to
1971–2000 (absolute differences in mm), for the A1B greenhouse gas emissions scenario with 14 different
GCM-RCM combinations from the ENSEMBLES project (source: CARPATCLIM).
Compared to temperature, changes in precipita-
tion resemble a more mosaic pattern. Total annual
precipitation has large spatial variability. The main
spatial distribution shows decreasing precipitation
in the western and south-eastern parts of the region
Herczeg Zoltan