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California Boating 

A Course for Safe Boating


Chapter 3


Vessel Operation

Before paddleboarding, be sure to drink plenty of water to stay hydrated.

Sunglasses with a leash, sun screen, and a hat are good protection against the

sun. Additional equipment depending on the conditions include: paddleboard

leash, helmet and protective gear for swift water use, a dry suit, booties and

gloves for extremely cold conditions and a dry bag with charts, basic first aid

supplies and a tow line for emergencies. A spare, take-apart paddle may also

be appropriate depending on conditions and water body.

Personal fitness, swimming ability and a basic knowledge of boat handling all

help promote a safe stand up paddleboarding experience. Classes are available

at aquatic centers, the American Canoe Association and from paddleboarding


Water and Weather Safety

Stand up paddleboarders, like other boaters, should know the body of water

including hazards, currents, rules, and water quality before going out. Always

check out river releases or tide conditions as well as local traffic on the water

in order to be prepared.

Always check the predicted weather and water conditions. Avoid paddleboard-

ing in heavy winds, lightning storms, hard rain and thick fog. Make sure the

predicted conditions match your skills and equipment.

Navigation Rules of the Road

Stand up paddleboarders must follow the Navigation Rules in channels and

open water. Paddleboarding navigation in swim and surf zones generally

follow surf etiquette.



Crowded waterway –

Keep a visual and be sure to have a clear path before

crossing a channel. Maintain course and speed when crossing and take

the shortest path across. Stay visible and aware around blind corners or

approaching a channel or fairway


Travel with flow of traffic or hug the




Swim zone – launching and returning –

Kneel or lie down on the paddle-

board when departing and returning from a dock or beach. Stand only when

in water that is at least waist deep and away from obstacles.



Surf zones – right of way

– Always paddle 90 degrees angle to waves.

Paddle standing, kneeling or lying down. Never paddle out directly in front

of, or behind, another paddler, surfer or swimmer. Paddle out towards the

peak of the wave—away from the anticipated direction of surfers catching

the wave. When riding a wave, the paddleboarder (surfer) nearest the peak

has the right of way.

Stand Up Paddleboard Rescue

Depending on the body of water, weather conditions and the availability of

help from a buddy, stand up paddleboard rescues are made differently.


Paddleboarding with a buddy is

helpful for emergencies such as

falling off the paddleboard or when

an accident has occurred. Know what

rescue signals to use with a buddy or

to hail other boaters.