GFTU and co operation
The University is keen to sign a partnership with us particularly to support our
cultural work, promote degree apprenticeships, consider work on climate change
and development issues internationally. Our Liberating Arts Festival will be held
with them. The University is also a world leader in issues of climate change.
Marjohn College.
The College is keen to sign a partnership with us particularly to support our
education agenda.
Keele University.
If you attended you might recall that Dr Stephen French made a helpful
contribution to the Union Building Conference on Performance management and
also attended a meeting with a union to consider training for senior managers.
Staff Development and Training
The GFTU deliver in-house training for a number of affiliates and Albion
Education and Training can provide training and staff development opportunities
Train the Trainer
First Aid
Risk management / Health and Safety
Fire Marshall
Manual Handling
Food Hygiene
Training can be delivered on-site and off-site for affiliates. Off-site courses can
be delivered at Partner’s premises, Quorn Grange Hotel and other Union Friendly
Why not encourage employing organisations who might want to hire very
expensive non trade union experienced trainers to tender their work to us.
Fleet management
Most Unions have a relatively small fleet of vehicles, pooling the expertise and
taking away the hassles of leasing vehicles, Insurance, Road Fund Licences,
MOT’s and servicing could be a service that affiliates would be able to take
advantage of.
Courier services
There is a significant economy of scale if we collectively procured parcel services
through a company such as TNT – with individualised collection and delivery
arrangements but the price advantage of 20+ locations combined into a single
volume calculation.
Travel arrangements
The GFTU are able to offer Rail Warrants and re-invoice charges on a monthly
basis, making administration simpler through a single invoice.
May 2017