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personalities of the leaders – they are now so exposed

you don’t get charismatic leaders and it destroys the

person and their values.

Unemployment is at an all-time high;

72% young women

60% young men

27% nationally (30% if self-employed are included)

Greece has got a long and rocky road ahead of them

and it is going to get a lot worse before it gets better. As

we were leaving the metro and rail services were being

closed for a day as the government couldn’t afford to

pay the staff. This was being followed by a national

strike over the changes to pensions and taxes that are

being proposed which are simply unliveable and will

result in more suicides, higher unemployment and

greater poverty in a country that is already on its knees.

The Europe Union is not the institution it once was. It

was built upon a need for prosperity, development and

strength through democratic processes for the member

states and it has grown into a corrupt, undemocratic

monster that is focused on making the rich richer and

the poor poorer.

One thing is for sure though we need to strengthen the

trade union movement beyond our borders and fight

together for the rights of all our workers and to force

the refugee crisis to be dealt with properly by fixing

the source of the problem not sweeping thousands

of desperate people under the carpet like they are a

burden someone else should deal with.

Dami Benbow, Deanne Ferguson, Bindu Paul, Sarah




5.1 A group of eight leading Chinese trade

Unionists from Guandong province, the most

industrious in China responsible for 10% of

China’s GDP, visited Quorn on 16th January

at short notice. They presented us with a

wonderful silk embroidery of the Silk Road

which will make a beautiful picture at the hotel.

5.2 As the Chinese delegations always do they

invited us to visit them and are keen to invite

affiliates to their country.

5.3 There is 90% trade union membership in their

region and they have 30 million members.

They have 3,000 full time lawyers in their region

working for the trade unions. A big part of their

work is looking after migrant workers into their

region from other parts of China.



6.1 The GFTU was pleased to assist with a tour for

two leading trade unionists at a critical time for


6.2 The contribution made by Wills Rangel, the

leader of the most powerful trade union in

Venezuela the Oil Workers and their TUC when

he visited Quorn, has been translated by Dr

Francisco Dominguez as follows:

Wills Rangel

President of the CBST, Venezuela’s Bolivarian Socialist

Trade Union Congress of Workers, Peasants and Workers

of the Sea

We have come to the UK invited by the Venezuela

Solidarity Campaign to participate in their AGM but also

to hold various meetings and events with fellow trade

unionists, activists on Latin America, journalists and

others to bring them up to date regarding the latest

developments in our country and the struggles we are

going through but particularly our role as working class

and organised workers in them. As you probably know,

the country’s oligarchy in alliance with imperialism

has massively intensified the decade-and-a-half-long

efforts to oust the Bolivarian government the moment

President Hugo Chavez passed away in March 2013.

They are going for the kill and as a result we are now

engaged in a life or death struggle for the Bolivarian


Below: Photo courtesy of

Bindu Paul and Sarah Woolley

Bottom right: Wills Rangel,

President of the CBST