In favour of using
compiled by Andreo
Current clinical experience is mostly based on dose-to-water, hence the use
allows direct
compliance with previous clinical experience
and with treatment planning based on analytical algorithms.
Doses reported in clinical trials, and therapeutic and normal-tissue
tolerance criteria, are based on
Reference dosimetry (beam calibration) of accelerators relies on dosimetry
protocols yielding a
reference absorbed dose to water
, which is
used to normalize the output of the TPS.
This is the reference quantity at the clinic, irrespective of the type of
calibration coefficient of the ionization chamber used, either in terms of
absorbed dose-to-water or air-kerma.
MCTP relies on the assumption that the codes used are ‘
irrespective of the sometimes crude approximations made in the physical
models of these systems, often simpler than those in general MC codes.
April 2017
From P. Andreo, "Dose to 'water-like' media or dose to tissue in MV photons
radiotherapy treatment planning: still a matter of debate," Phys. Med. Biol. 60,
309-337 (2015)