To advertise call 678-654-4111
Every Friday Night or schedule your
own night for Girls Night Out, Kid or
Adult Birthdays, Showers,
Bachelorette, Meetings, and More! No
experience necessary, we will guide
you through to help you create your
own masterpiece!
www.facebook.com/cornerarts30 S Court Square (Newnan)
(678) 633-5705
Call for more info or to schedule
Ceramics with Jenny
Painting ceramics is fun, relaxing, and
a great way to make memories that
last! Just Arrived: we have several
brand new pieces to offer. $5 class fee
plus and the Piece Fee , which includes
piece, glaze & Firing. Call for weekly
Paint Nite in Color or Black & White
Learn to Paint
You Can Learn to Paint for a Lifetime of
Experiencing the Joy of Art Chelita's
painting seminars will enrich your life
forever! A mini-college in method
painting: brush strokes, dry-brush
blending, backgrounds, surface
preparation. Whether you are a
beginner desiring a complete painting
foundation or a highly advanced
painter wanting continued growth in
your painting education, Chelita has a
seminar for you.
Mention NEW4U for a Special Discount!
Chelita Freeman
For More Info on Classes Call
Chelita Freeman at 706-302-4209