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Version 1 - 22/10/2015

Radiobiology of LDR, HDR, PDR and VLDR Brachytherapy


Very Low Dose Rate

(VLDR) irradiation by permanent im-

plants delivers a high total dose (for example 150 Gy) over

several weeks to months.

It is evident that the biological effects resulting from the different

dose–time patterns will lead to different biological effects. How-

ever, they may have the same biological efficacy.



Several factors influence the response of normal tissues and tu-

mours to therapeutic radiation exposure, which are often sum-

marized as the Rs of radiotherapy [Withers 1975, Steel, Dörr and

Van der Kogel 2009, Dörr 2015, Dörr and Schmidt 2014).

• The intrinsic radiosensitivity of a given organ, which mainly

depends on the number and sensitivity of the tissue specific

stem cells (the stem cell hypothesis), but also on the sensitivity

and interaction of other cell populations (e.g. endothelial cells,

fibroblasts) in a complex way.

• Recovery processes, which occur – with a certain tissue specif-

ic half-time – between radiation fractions, or during exposure

with low dose rates. In vivo, these processes are mainly, but

definitely not exclusively, based on DNA repair activities. These

processes are dominant in late responding tissues.

• Repopulation is a process that is occurring in turnover tissues

and in some tumour entities, as soon as a certain level of cell

depletion has been accumulated (Dörr 2009, Hopewell 2003).

The underlying mechanisms are complex (Dörr 1997, 2003).

Repopulation is based on an additional production of stem

cells, through a switch to symmetrical divisions resulting in

two daughter stem cells, an acceleration of these stem cell divi-

sions, and a substantial rate of “abortive”, residual divisions of

doomed cells.

• Redistribution relates to cell cycle effects of IR, with a pre-

dominant kill in sensitive cycle phases, synchronisation at

check-points, etc. These effects have been extensively studied

in in-vitro systems but the relevance of these phenomena for

in-vivo tissue effects is highly questionable.

• Reoxygenation describes an improvement of the oxygen status

of tumour (stem) cells during radiotherapy. In many tumours,

hypoxia develops, based mainly on the increasing distance

of the tumour cells from their related vessels/capillaries and

increasing intratumoral pressure (chronic, diffusion-related

hypoxia), and on the inadequate function (e.g. temporary oc-

clusion) of the capillaries (acute, perfusion-related hypoxia).

During treatment, temporarily occluded vessels re-open, and

with tumour shrinkage, the interstitial pressure decreases and

the surviving tumour cells move back closer to their vessels.

These complex processes promote an increasing radiosensitiv-

ity of the hypoxic – and hence cure- and recurrence- relevant

– areas with increasing overall treatment time.

• Modern EBRT and established techniques such as BT are asso-

ciated with an increase in dose inhomogeneity in the OAR; this

is frequently depicted as the “volume effect” although this term

can be misleading. The response of individual tissues and or-

gans, and importantly also their individual response endpoints,

to such dose inhomogeneity can be highly varied and complex.

The QUANTEC initiative [Marks 2010] made an attempt to

summarize current knowledge about volume-related organ

tolerance, and a series of studies and analyses has extended

this knowledge since then. However, different endpoints of re-

sponse in a particular OAR, such as incontinence vs. bleeding

after exposure of the rectum, do have different target subvol-

umes, radiopathologies, and radiobiological characteristics.

These need to be studied experimentally and particularly clini-

cally in forthcoming years.

There are different time frames for the relevance of these factors.

(Fig 5.4)

Recovery of sublethal damage

(see above) is the fastest process

that starts within one hour. Its consequences can be detected af-

ter only15-30 minutes and it is completed approximately 6 hours

after an exposure, but may take as long as 1 day (e.g. in spinal

cord). It is the most significant factor altering radiation effects

between 1 Gy/min and 0.3 Gy/h. Half-times of recovery for hu-

man tissues and tumours are estimated to be >2-4 h.

The possibility of recovery for various tissue responses is de-

pendent on the capacity of the tissue (in the linear-quadratic sys-

tem described by the α/β ratio) and its time kinetics (halftime,

T½). It is effective in the dose ranges between 100 cGy/min (60

Gy/hr) and 0.1 cGy/min (6 cGy/hr). The higher the dose rate,

Fig 5.3: Definitions of time-dose patterns used in brachytherapy for cervix treatment. Overall

treatment times (blue) and irradiation times (red) are presented for different types of treatment.

(ICRU Report 88, 2015)