Specialty Massages Continued
Therapeutic Myofascial Massage
50min $85
80min $115
Myofascial release therapy is appliedhands-on, inkneading-style strokes that aremeant
to loosen, softenand lengthenmuscle tissues. This therapy has alsobeen affective in
treatingpatientswith chronic fatigue, tension, repetitive stress injuries, migraine
headaches, arthritis and Fibromyalgia. Experience this total release of body tension
massage therapy. Assessment is includedwhen time permits..
“Medical Style” Alignment Therapy Massage
50min $85
80min $115
This therapy combines Structural Energetic Therapy®(SET) andmassage toaddress
the areaof your pain first and thenbring the rest of your body intobalance to support
those changes. This therapy is beneficial in rehabilitationof physical conditions causing
painandbuilds physical performance potential to itsmaximum.
CranioSacral Therapy
50min $85
CranioSacral Therapy is aneffectivemodality focusedon the head to relieve tension
utilizinga light-touchapproach. This encourages the release of restrictions deep in the
body by targeting the central nervous system. This subtle, nurturing treatment almost
feels like you are receivingamassage fromthe insideout to release tension.
Organic Aromatherapy Customized Massage
25min $45
50min $85
80min $115
Enhance anymassagewithorganic pureessential oils for the ultimate in stress
reduction. Theseorganic essential oils are derived fromplants, herbs and flowers that
havebeneficial therapeutic qualities. Transport your body into aworldof total
Swe-Thai Massage
50min $85
80min $115
Swe-Thai massage therapy successfully blends the relaxing strokes of theSwedish
massagewith the stretching techniques of traditional Thaimassageoffering theultimate
relaxing experience.
Traditional Thai Massage
50min $85
80min $115
ThaiMassage is performedon amat on the floor andyou
wear light, loose-fitting
The practitioner uses thumbs, palms, forearms, elbows, feet, knees andeven
shins toprovide relief to stretch and loosen tightmuscles, to release tensionand relieve
Foot Reflexology Treatment
25min $45
50min $85 (hands& feet)
Pressure is applied to specificpressurepoints on the feet to relieve tension in
correspondingparts of thebody tobalance thebody’s natural energy flow. You are
welcome towear comfortable clothingduring this service as the service canbe
performed fully clothed.