valuable man in this line of busin ess. Every man can
educate himself and acquire all the knowl edge nec es–
sary for tending bar, provided h e takes enoug h inte rest
and wants to make it a business. Practical knowledge
cannot be acquired except by actual work and experi–
An inexpert cook never will become an artist nor a
cftef de cuz"sz"ne
by simply r eading a book on cookery,
no matter by whom or how intelligently written, and
no man can ever become an a rti st behind the bar by
simply looking into this book or possessing it. A great
deal of ingenuity and taste is required on the part of a
in an important position, and the same is r equired
on the part of a man in the capacity of a bartender.
He, having a position of responsibility, must be a man
of original ideas, a man who is proud of his work and
who tri es to di scharge his duti es with credit to himse lf,
his employer, and the g uest he waits on. Orig inality
is the key to success. Therefore, always try to work
accordingly; make a chang:e in the old system, if you
see it needs improvement; introduce it to your guests
instead of being t aught by them wh at to do. A bar–
t ender ought to be leading and not to be led. An actor
must und erstand for himself how t o amuse his a ud ience
and how to gain a reputati on : h e never would succeed
by simply following another man's guidanc e.
The situation of a barkeeper g ives the h older the
chance of studying human nature. A man fit for the
pqsition, and consequently a keen vbserver-for one